Using bioinformatics to reveal the pathogenic mechanisms of small ubiquitin-like modifica-tion in psoriasis and to predict drug sensitivity
目的 使用生物信息学方法探讨泛素样修饰蛋白(SUMO)在银屑病中的表达与调控机制,分析其对银屑病代谢相关的影响.方法 通过R语言(3.3.6)绘制SUMO在银屑病和对照组中的差异表达及接收者操作特征曲线(ROC),利用GeneMANIA网站构建SUMO的相互作用网络,采用网络基因富集分析软件(GSVA)展示SUMO在银屑病数据集中的富集通路,采用XGBOOST和随机森林筛选优势基因并在数据集中进行差异表达的验证,使用pRRophetic[R4.2.0]在银屑病数据集寻找可能靶向SUMO的药物.结果 SUMO1、SUMO3、SUMO1P3、SUMO2P3在银屑病皮损中高表达,SUMO在银屑病中与多个代谢通路相互作用,其中SUMO1可证实为与代谢通路相关性最为密切的基因.结论 SUMO mRNA在银屑病皮损中高表达,SUMO1可能通过调控银屑病代谢过程参与银屑病发生发展.
Objective Using bioinformatics to assess the expression levels and regulatory mechanisms of small ubiquitin-related modifier(SUMO)in psoriasis,and to analyze its effect on metabolism.Methods R language(3.3.6 version)was used to determine the difference in ex-pression levels of SUMO between psoriatic patients and controls,and the receiver operating char-acteristic(ROC)curve of SUMO.The interaction network of SUMO was built using the website of GeneMANIA.The network gene enrichment analysis software GSVA was used to determine the en-richment pathway of SUMO in the psoriasis dataset.XGBOOST and random forest were used to screen dominant genes and verify their differential expression.pRRophetic was used to identify po-tential drugs targeting SUMO in the psoriasis dataset.Results SUMO1,SUMO3,SUMO1P3,SUMO2P3 were highly expressed in psoriasis-involved skin.SUMO interacted with multiple meta-bolic pathways in psoriasis.SUMO1 could be the gene most closely related to metabolic pathways.Conclusions SUMO mRNA is highly expressed in psoriasis-involved skin,and SUMO1 may be involved in the onset and development of psoriasis by regulating the metabolic process.
南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091南方医科大学皮肤病医院,广东 广州 510091
psoriasissmall ubiquitin-like modificationSUMOmetabolism
《皮肤性病诊疗学杂志》 2024 (12)