Analysis of variation characteristics and atmospheric circulation causes of cold and warm winter in Dalian from 1971 to 2021
基于1971-2021 年大连地区南部(大连、旅顺、金州)、北部(瓦房店、普兰店、庄河)6 个国家气象站冬季逐日气温观测资料和NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,采用线性倾向率、Mann-Kendall突变检验、百分位法定义极端事件阈值和合成分析等方法,分析了近51a大连地区冬季冷暖变化趋势及异常特征,并进一步探讨了冷冬、暖冬年大气环流异常成因.结果表明:近51a大连地区冬季和各月气温变化均呈不同程度上升趋势,南部地区的上升率高于北部地区;金州以南和瓦房店地区尤以最低气温上升最明显,最低气温的上升对冬季增暖最为显著,旅顺最低气温升幅最大,而普兰店和庄河地区尤以最高气温上升最明显,最高气温的上升对冬季增暖最为显著,普兰店最高气温升幅最大;大连地区 2 月的气温上升对冬季增暖贡献最大.20 世纪70-80 年代为偏冷期,90 年代是最暖期,进入21 世纪以来,从2006 年开始冬季增暖趋缓.大连地区在1986 年前后发生由冷变暖的显著突变.近51a低温日数呈明显减少趋势,相对暖期仍有寒冷年份出现,1 月低温日数最多.近51a冬季极端冷日显著减少,极端暖日明显增加,且极端暖日年际起伏较大,增加了气候异常的不稳定性.大连地区冬季气温异常主要是由地面西伯利亚高压、500 hPa东亚大槽、乌拉尔山高压、鄂霍茨克海高压等的异常导致.冬季地面西伯利亚高压较常年同期显著偏强(弱),500 hPa欧亚中高纬度以经(纬)向环流为主,乌拉尔山高压、鄂霍茨克海高压和东亚大槽较常年同期明显偏强(弱),导致东亚冬季风偏强(弱),有(不)利于冷空气南下影响大连地区,从而造成大连地区易出现冷(暖)冬.
This study analyzes the daily temperature observation data from 6 national meteorological stations in Dalian,including the southern area(Dalian,Lvshun,Jinzhou)and northern area(Wafangdian,Pulandian,Zhuang-he)in winter from 1971 to 2021,as well as NCEP/NCAR monthly reanalysis data.Using methods such as linear tendency rate,Mann-Kendall abrupt test,extreme temperature thresholds defined by using percentiles and synthetic analysis,the cold and warm variation trends and unusual characteristics of winter over the past 51 years are ana-lyzed.The atmospheric circulation causes of cold and warm winter in Dalian are further investigated.The results indicate that the winter temperature and monthly temperature have shown an increasing trend over the past 51 years,with a higher warming rate observed in the southern region compared to the north.The most significant rise in minimum temperatures occurs in south of Jinzhou and in Wafangdian,with notably impacting winter warming;Lvshun shows the highest increase in minimum temperatures,while Pulandian and Zhuanghe exhibit the most sub-stantial rises in maximum temperatures;the increase in maximum temperatures has the most significant impact on winter warming,with Pulandian experiencing the highest rise in maximum temperatures.The temperature rise in February contributes the most to winter warming in Dalian.The period from the 1970s to 1980s was predominantly cold,while the 1990s were the warmest,but the warming slowed down in 2006.A significant transition from cold to warm around 1986 in winter mean temperature in Dalian.Over the past 51 years,there has been a significant de-crease in the number of low-temperature days,although cold years still fluctuate within relatively warm periods,particularly in January when the highest number of low-temperature days occurs.Extreme cold days have signifi-cantly decreased,while extreme warm days have notably increased over the past 51 years,leading to greater intera-nnual fluctuation and instability in climate anomalies.The winter temperature anomalies in Dalian are primarily at-tributed to anomalies of the Siberian high in surface,the East Asian trough at 500 hPa,Ural mountain high and Ok-hotsk sea high.When the Siberian high in surface is stronger(weaker)during winter,and the middle-high latitude of Eurasian continent experiences predominantly meridional(zonal)circulation,the Ural mountain high,Okhotsk Sea high and East Asian trough are stronger(weaker)than normal at 500 hPa.This results in a stronger(weaker)winter monsoon in East Asia,it is favorable(unfavorable)for polar cold air moving southward to affect Dalian ar-ea,and thereby contributing to cold(warm)winters in Dalian.
大连市气象台,辽宁 大连 116001鞍山市气象局,辽宁 鞍山 114000大连市气象服务中心,辽宁 大连 116001大连市气象服务中心,辽宁 大连 116001大连市气象台,辽宁 大连 116001
Cold and warm winterAtmospheric circulationPercentile method
《气象与环境学报》 2024 (5)