

Characteristics of spatial-temporal distribution of holiday climate comfortable days over China from 1990 to 2019


利用含有气温、降水、相对湿度、风速、日照等5 个气象要素的度假气候指数(HCI)分析了1990-2019 年中国度假气候舒适日数的时空分布特征.结果表明:全国平均年度假气候舒适日数有134.3 d,秋季最多,冬季最少;年内全国度假气候舒适日数和度假气候舒适范围均呈双峰型分布,次峰和主峰时段分别出现在5 月上旬至6 月前半月和9 月上旬至 10 月中旬.中国年度假气候舒适日数空间分布不均匀,云南和四川南部超过200 d,而青藏高原大部和东北北部一般在 100 d以下.年度假气候舒适日数排名前五多的省(区)分别为云南、新疆、广东、山西和河南,其中云南最多达207.7 d.云南春、秋、冬三季气候舒适日数均位居全国前五多.5 月、9 月和10 月的度假气候舒适范围较广."五一"和"十一"假期全国大部分地区度假气候舒适出现的概率在50%以上,元旦期间仅华南和云南的度假气候舒适概率在50%以上.

This study analyzed the spatio-temporal distribution pattern of the holiday climate comfort days in China from 1990 to 2019 in terms of annual,seasonal,monthly,and typical holiday periods using Holiday Climate Index(HCI),which incorporated five meteorological elements,temperature,precipitation,relative humidity,wind speed,and sunshine hours.The results show that the average annual number of comfortable days for holiday climates in China is 134.3,with the highest occurrence in autumn and the lowest in winter.The monthly and daily distribution of comfortable days exhibits a bimodal curve pattern,with secondary and primary peaks observed in early May to mid-June and early September to mid-October,respectively.The spatial distribution of holiday climate comfortable days is uneven;Yunnan and southern Sichuan exceed 200 days,while the majority of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and northern Northeast China have fewer than 100 days.Yunnan,Xinjiang,Guangdong,Shanxi,and He'nan are the top five provinces(autonomous regions)with the highest annual comfortable days for holiday climate,and Yunnan has the most with 207.7 days.The spring,autumn,and winter seasons in Yunnan rank among the top five for holi-day climate comfortable days nationwide.May,September,and October show the broadest range of comfortable holiday climate.During the"May Day"and"National Day"holidays,the probability of comfortable weather ex-ceeds 50% in most regions of China.However,during the"New Year's Day"holiday,the probability of comforta-ble weather exceeds 50% only occurred in South China and Yunnan.


国家气候中心,北京 100081国家气候中心,北京 100081国家气候中心,北京 100081



Holiday Climate Index(HCI)Holiday climate comfortable daysClimatic characteristics

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (5)



