

Characteristics of pH value of precipitation in Liaoning province from 2021 to 2022


利用2021-2022 年辽宁省14 个地市酸性降水观测资料结果,指出了辽宁省降水pH值的空间分布以及月、季变化特征,初步对辽宁省不同地市酸性降水发生频率及其与酸性气态污染物相关性进行了分析.结果表明:辽宁省沿海地区降水pH值较小,大连年均降水pH值最小为5.77,锦州年均降水pH值最大为6.74.辽宁省年均降水pH值在12 月最小为5.72、酸性降水发生频率最高为7.94%,降水pH值在4 月最大为6.25,酸性降水发生频率为1.72%.14 个地市中鞍山酸性降水发生频率最小为0.24%,葫芦岛酸性降水发生频率最大为11.79%.由于碱性气溶胶粒子的冲刷和降水的湿清除作用,辽宁省降水pH值在春季较高,夏季和秋季减小,冬季最低.本溪、丹东、大连和葫芦岛地区SO2 和NO2 浓度月变化呈夏季低、冬季高的变化趋势,局地排放源在冬季对酸性降水具有一定的影响作用,而夏季酸性降水受到湿清除的作用较大.降水量在 50 mm 以内,降水pH值减小、酸性降水增多;当降水量大于100 mm时,降水pH值升高,集中分布在6~7.风向对影响降水pH值的主要大气污染物的源汇具有重要影响,春季主导风向引发的沙尘天气导致大气中碱性气溶胶增加,有利于降水pH值升高,夏季南向气流带来充足水汽,酸性降水形成事件增多.

This study analyzes the acid rain observation data from 14 cities in Liaoning province from 2021 to 2022,mapping the spatial distribution as well as the monthly and seasonal variations of precipitation pH values.It assesses that the frequency of acid precipitation and its correlation with acidic gaseous pollutants in different cities of Liaoning province.The results show that the average annual precipitation pH value across coastal areas is low.Dalian has the lowest average annual precipitation pH at 5.77,while Jinzhou has the highest at 6.74.The mini-mum annual pH value of 5.72 is recorded in December,the highest frequency of acid precipitation is 7.94%;while,the highest annual pH value is 6.25 in April,and the frequency of acid precipitation is 1.72% .Among the 14 cities,Anshan records the lowest occurrence of acid rain at 0.24%,while Huludao exhibits the highest frequen-cy at 11.79% .Due to the washout effect of alkaline aerosol particles and the wet removal process during precipita-tion,the pH values in Liaoning province are higher in spring,decrease during summer and autumn,and reach their lowest in winter.Monthly variations of SO2 and NO2 concentrations in Benxi,Dandong,Dalian,and Huludao show lower levels in summer and higher levels in winter,which indicating a local emissions influence on acid precipitati-on in winter,while summer acid precipitation is significantly impacted by wet removal processes.Furthermore,the pH value decreases and the frequency of acid precipitation increase when precipitation is less than 50 mm.Con-versely,the pH value rises and concentrates between 6 and 7 when precipitation exceeds 100 mm.Wind directions influence significantly the source and sink dynamics of key atmospheric pollutants affecting the pH value of precip-itation.Dust storms driven by prevailing spring winds contribute to an increase in atmospheric alkaline aerosols,which in turn elevate precipitation pH levels.In summer,southward airflow brings in substantial moisture,leading to a rise in acid precipitation events.


中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110166||龙凤山区域大气本底站,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150200中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110166黑龙江省生态气象中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030中国气象局沈阳大气环境研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110166龙凤山区域大气本底站,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150200延吉市气象局,吉林延吉 133001黑龙江省生态气象中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030黑龙江省生态气象中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030



pH value of precipitationAcid rain frequencyGaseous pollutants

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (5)



