Component characteristics and source apportionments of ambient PM2.5 during 2020 in Changsha
基于2020 年长沙市7 个大气环境在线和离线日均监测数据,分析了PM2.5 化学组分污染特征,并采用正定矩阵因子分析法(Positive Matrix Factorization,PMF)对PM2.5进行了精细化源解析.结果表明:水溶性离子是长沙市PM2.5中最主要的组分,占64.3%,其次是有机物OM(Organic Matter),占26.6%,水溶性离子中的硫酸根离子(SO2-4)、硝酸根离子(NO-3)和铵根离子(NH+4)是最主要组分;PMF模型识别出5 类PM2.5的来源,分别为机动车排放源(36%)、二次生成源(31%)、工业排放源(16%)、生物质燃烧源(9%)和扬尘源(8%);长沙春、秋、冬季分担率最高的排放源是机动车排放,夏季分担率最高的源是二次生成;环保学院二次生成和机动车排放占比最大,为38%和37%,马坡岭机动车排放贡献最大,为42%,高新区环保局二次生成、机动车排放和工业排放三个排放源分担率较为接近,分别为28%、26%和25%.为了进一步控制PM2.5污染,建议长沙市重点控制机动车尾气排放,加快淘汰老旧机动车、推动燃油汽车电动化等,并且对不同季节开展差异化控制措施,秋冬季重点控制机动车尾气,夏季优先控制臭氧等氧化剂,以降低PM2.5二次生成速率.
Based on the online and offline daily monitoring data of seven sites in Changsha City in 2020,the chem-ical component pollution characteristics of PM2.5 were analyzed.The positive matrix factorization(PMF)model was used to analyze the source apportionments of PM2.5.The results show that the water-soluble ions in PM2.5 has the highest mass proportion,accounting for 64.3%,followed by organic matter(OM),accounting for 26.6%,SO2-4,NO-3 and NH+4 are the main components in water-soluble ions.The PMF model identified five sources of PM2.5,vehicle exhaust emission source(36% ),secondary formation source(31% ),industrial emission source(16% ),biomass burning source(9% ),and dust source(8% ).The highest proportion at Changsha Environmen-tal Protection College are secondary formation and motor vehicle emissions,reaching 38% and 37%;the contribu-tion of motor vehicle emissions at Mapoling site is the highest,42%;the sharing rates of secondary formation,mo-tor vehicle emissions,and industrial emissions at Environmental Protection Bureau of the High-tech Zone are rela-tively similar,28%,26%,and 25% .In order to further control PM2.5 pollution,it is recommended that Changsha could focus on controlling vehicle exhaust emissions,accelerating the elimination of old motor vehicles,and pro-moting the electrification of fuel vehicles;meanwhile,differentiated control measures should be implemented for different seasons,with focus on controlling vehicle exhaust emissions in autumn and winter;in summer,it is recom-mended to prioritize controlling oxidants such as ozone to reduce the secondary formation rate of PM2.5.
湖南省长沙生态环境监测中心,湖南 长沙 410000长沙卫生职业学院,湖南 长沙 410000长江大学化学与环境工程学院,湖北 荆州 434000湖南省长沙生态环境监测中心,湖南 长沙 410000湖南省长沙生态环境监测中心,湖南 长沙 410000
PM2.5PMF modelComponent characteristicsSource apportionment
《气象与环境学报》 2024 (5)