Risk analysis of continuous rain disaster in ripening period of Dandong blueberry(Vaccinium)based on information diffusion theory
利用1991-2020 年丹东地区4 个站点蓝莓成熟期的气象资料,以降水日数持续≥3d且至少1d降水量≥25 mm和累计日照时数≤2h作为连阴雨灾害过程标准,综合考虑发生频次和持续时间,制定了轻度、中度、重度连阴雨灾害等级,通过灾害发生次数和站次分析蓝莓连阴雨灾害的变化规律,基于信息扩散理论评估连阴雨灾害风险概率.结果表明:30 a间丹东地区蓝莓整个成熟期连阴雨灾害影响呈减轻趋势,连阴雨发生次数呈现减少趋势,其中振安区连阴雨次数减少最为显著,连阴雨灾害发生次数倾向率为0.23 次·(10 a)-1(P<0.01).30 a间早熟期发生连阴雨灾害的风险较低,轻度和中度连阴雨灾害的风险概率均在二十年一遇以上(≥5%),未出现重度灾害;连阴雨灾害主要集中在晚熟期,轻度灾害发生概率在十年一遇以上(≥10%).振安区是发生连阴雨灾害的高风险区,受灾范围广、频次高、程度重,轻度和中度连阴雨灾害发生概率均在十年一遇以上(≥10%).
Based on the meteorological data of blueberry ripening period at four stations in Dandong region from 1991 to 2020,the index of continuous rain disaster was taken as the daily precipitation greater than 0.1 mm for more than 3 days and greater than 25 mm for at least 1 day during blueberry ripening period.Considering the fre-quency and duration,the grades of light,moderate and severe continuous rain disaster were established.The charac-teristics of continuous rain disaster of blueberry were analyzed by the frequency and station ratios of this disaster,and the risk probability was evaluated based on information diffusion theory.The results show that during the past 30 years,the influence of continuous rain disaster was reduced in the whole blueberry ripening period in Dandong,and the frequency of continuous rain disaster showed a decreasing trend,especially in Zhen'an District,the frequen-cy tendency rate of continuous rain disaster was 0.23 times per decade(p<0.01).The risk of continuous rain disaster was low in the early maturing period of 30 years,the risk probabilities of mild and moderate continuous rain disasters were less than once in 20 years(≤5% ),and no severe disaster occurred.Continuous rain disasters were mainly concentrated in the late maturing period,and the probability of light disaster was more than once in 10 years(≥10% ).Zhen'an District is a high risk area of continuous rain disaster,with a wide range,high frequency and heavy degree.The probabilities of mild and moderate continuous rain disasters were more than once in 10 years(≥10% ).
丹东市气象局,辽宁 丹东 118000||辽宁省草莓蓝莓气象服务中心,辽宁 丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁 丹东 118000||辽宁省草莓蓝莓气象服务中心,辽宁 丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁 丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁 丹东 118000||辽宁省草莓蓝莓气象服务中心,辽宁 丹东 118000丹东市气象局,辽宁 丹东 118000辽宁省气候中心,辽宁 沈阳 110166||盘锦国家气候观象台,辽宁 盘锦 124000
BlueberryRipening periodContinuous rainInformation diffusion theoryRisk probability
《气象与环境学报》 2024 (5)