

Temporal and Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Pollution Analysis of NO2 Concentration in Yuzhong District,Chongqing


为了探究环境空气中NO2的浓度对渝中区大气环境的影响机理,采用统计方法和SPSS线性回归分析方法,基于2018-2022年重庆市渝中区3个空气质量监测站的NO2浓度自动监测数据,分析了渝中区NO2浓度的时空分布特征,并浅析了气象参数与污染源对NO2浓度的影响.结果表明:3个站点及全区NO2年均浓度、超标天数和污染负荷整体呈下降趋势,而3个站点浓度排名呈上升趋势,全区浓度排名靠后;季节分布明显,春季浓度最高,秋、冬季次之,夏季最低;小时浓度基本于0:00-6:00下降,6:00-9:0 0上升,9:00-16:0 0下降,最后再上升的变化趋势;空间分布差异明显,上清寺点NO2浓度最高,潘家坪点其次,佛图关点浓度最低.基于上述结果可以得出:影响环境空气中NO2浓度的主要气象参素有气压、气温和相对湿度;影响渝中区NO2浓度的主要污染源为移动源,NO2浓度值与机动车车流量有极强的正相关性.此研究可为渝中区今后的空气质量污染防治提供重要的科学依据.

In order to explore the impact mechanism of NO2 concentration in the atmospheric atmosphere in Yuzhong District,the statistical method and SPSS linear regression analysis method were adopted in this paper.Based on the automatic monitoring data of NO2 concentration in three air monitoring stations in Yuzhong District,Chongqing from 2018 to 2022,the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of NO2 concentration in Yuzhong District were analyzed,and the effects of meteorological parameters and pollution sources on NO2 concentration were also analyzed.The results showed that the average annual NO2 concentration,days of NO2 exceeding the standard and the pollution load of the three stations and the whole region decreased,while the annual average concentration ranking of the three sites showed an upward trend,with the ranking in the entire district being lower;the seasonal distribution was obvious,with the highest concentration in spring,followed by autumn and winter,and the lowest in summer;and the hourly concentration decreased from 0:00 to 6:00,increased from 6:00 to 9:00,decreased from 9:00 to 16:00,and finally increased again.There were significant differences in spatial distribution,with the highest NO2 concentration at the Shangqingsi point,followed by the Panjiaping point,and the Fotuguan point.According to the above results,it can be concluded that the main meteorological parameters that affected the concentration of NO2 in the ambient atmosphere included pressure,temperature,and relative humidity;the main pollution sources affecting NO2 concentration in Yuzhong District was a mobile source,and there was a strong positive correlation between the concentration of NO2 and the traffic flow.This study was an important scientific basis for the prevention and control of air pollution in Yuzhong District in the future.


重庆市渝中区生态环境监测站,重庆 400013重庆市渝中区生态环境监测站,重庆 400013重庆市渝中区生态环境监测站,重庆 400013



Yuzhong DistrictNO2 concentrationspatial and temporal distributionmeteorological parameterspollution sources

《四川环境》 2024 (6)


