

Variation Characteristics of Water Quality in Qujiang River and Analysis on Its Influence Factors


为探究渠江流域近年来水环境质量状况及其污染原因,采用单因子指数法、内梅罗污染指数法和基于主成分分析的污染指数法对2015-2022年渠江干流和支流11个断面的监测数据进行分析,从时空角度剖析渠江流域地表水水质变化特征;结合水质情况与地区经济、降雨的关系,分析其污染来源.结果表明,2015-2022年渠江干流水质优于支流,中、上游水质优于下游,流域总体水质呈变优趋势;流域内巴河、渠江、州河以及清溪河水质季节性变化不明显,而铜钵河、流江河以及任市河水质季节变化显著,且以春季水质最差;TP营养盐污染指标为渠江流域水质污染控制的主要指标,其次为有机污染指标CODC.和 IMn;河流沿岸居民生活和种植养殖等农业生产活动是渠江流域河流水质污染的主要来源.

In order to explore the quality of water environment in the Qujiang River Basin and pollution causes in recent years,the monitoring data of 11 sections of the main stream and tributaries of the Qujiang River from 2015 to 2022 were analyzed using the single factor index method,Nemero pollution index method,and pollution index method based on principal component analysis.The results showed that from 2015 to 2022,the water quality of the main stream of the Qujiang River was better than that of its tributaries,and the water quality in the middle and upper reaches was better than that in the downstream.The overall water quality of the basin showed a trend of improvement;the seasonal variation of water quality in the Ba River,Qu River,Zhou River,and Qingxi River within the basin was not significant,while the seasonal variation of water quality in Tongbo River,Liujiang River,and Renshi River was significant,with the worst water quality in spring;the TP nutrient pollution index was the main indicator for controlling water quality pollution in the Qujiang River Basin,followed by the organic pollution indicators CODCr and IMn;the daily life of residents along the river and agricultural production activities such as planting and breeding were the main sources of water pollution in the Qujiang River Basin.


四川省生态环境监测总站,成都 610091四川省生态环境监测总站,成都 610091四川省生态环境监测总站,成都 610091四川省生态环境监测总站,成都 610091



Qujiang River basinsingle factor evaluation methodNemerow pollution index methodprincipal component analysisvariation characteristics of water quality

《四川环境》 2024 (6)


