Characteristics of Zooplankton Community in Urban Landscape Lake in Jiaxing and Its Responses to Environmental Factors
To assess basic conditions of zooplankton in urban landscape water bodies in the river network of the Yangtze River Delta Plain and its relationship with the water environment and to scientifically manage landscape water bodies,an investigation was conducted on zooplankton communities and water environmental factors at four sampling sites in three urban landscape parks in Jiaxing,namely the Mu Lake Park,the Shijiuyang Park,and the South-North Lake Park,from May 2023 to January 2024.The Shannon-Wiener diversity index,Pielou evenness index,and Margalef richness index were used to evaluate the water quality of the three landscape water bodies based on the characteristics of the zooplankton community.Canonical Correspondence Analysis(CCA)was used to analyze the relationship between zooplankton characteristics and water environmental factors.The results showed that a total of 123 zooplankton species of 4 categories were identified in the urban landscape park water bodies of Jiaxing,with rotifers being the main species.A total of 20 dominant species were identified.Significant spatio-temporal differences were observed in zooplankton density and biomass in the water bodies.Zooplankton density and biomass showed a spatial trend of South-North Lake>Mu Lake>Shijiuyang,and a seasonal trend of summer and autumn>spring and winter.The evaluation of water quality by zooplankton indicated that the overall landscape water bodies were slightly polluted throughout the year,but the water quality was good.In the three water bodies,the amount of zooplankton exhibited the following characteristics by season:autumn>summer>winter>spring.CCA showed that the environmental factors strongly correlated with the zooplankton community structure were temperature(T)and transparency(SD),with SD being the most relevant environmental factor.
杭州同华生态环境科技有限公司,杭州 310000杭州同华生态环境科技有限公司,杭州 310000嘉兴市海盐生态环境监测站,浙江嘉兴 314000嘉兴经济技术开发区建设投资集团有限公司,浙江嘉兴 314000嘉兴经济技术开发区建设投资集团有限公司,浙江嘉兴 314000生态环境部南京环境科学研究所,南京 210000中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京 210000
Jiaxinglandscape water bodieszooplanktonenvironmental factors
《四川环境》 2024 (6)