

Canopy Biomass of Young and Middle-age Dalbergia odorifera Forest


研究降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen)人工林树冠生物量的分布特征,可以为合理的评估林分生物量和调整树冠结构提供理论依据.本研究以海南东方市林龄为 10~12 a的降香黄檀人工林为研究对象,设置 2 种不同立地条件样地(S1 和S2),对 4.5 m以上样木截冠处理,采用分层切割法和全量称重法获取树冠层各器官生物量,建立各器官最优生物量拟合方程.结果表明:(1)冠层各器官中生物量大小顺序为裸枝>枝皮>叶片;裸枝、枝皮和冠层总生物量为 S1>S2,叶片生物量则为 S1<S2.(2)随着冠层层次的增高,S1 和 S2 裸枝和枝皮生物量均呈波浪形变化,其中S1 表现为先增加再下降,而S2 则与之相反;叶片生物量整体呈先上升再下降的趋势,其中S1 集中分布在树冠中上层,S2 主要分布在下层.S1 较S2 树冠上层生长竞争更激烈,已出现冠层严重的自然稀疏,叶生物量逐渐由下层转移至中上层.(3)生物量最优拟合模型为幂函数形式,分别为树冠总生物量[y=3.904(D²H)1.247]、冠裸枝[y=1.901(D2H)1.28]、冠枝皮[y=0.734(D2H)1.276]、叶片(y=3.86D2.791).

The study of the distribution characteristics of crown biomass of Dalbergia odorifera plantation can provide theoretical basis for reasonable evaluation of stand biomass and adjustment of crown structure.In this paper,D.odorif-era plantation aged 10-12 a in Dongfang,Hainan,China was taken as the research object.Two sample plots(S1 and S2)with different site conditions were set up,and the crown of the sample trees over 4.5 m was cut off.The biomass of each organ in the canopy was obtained by layered cutting method and total weighing method,and the optimal biomass fitting equation of each organ was established.(1)The order of biomass in each organ was bare branch>branch bark>leaf.The total biomass of bare branches,branch bark and canopy was S1>S2,while the leaf biomass was S1<S2.(2)With the in-crease of canopy class,the biomass of bare branches and branch bark of S1 and S2 showed a wave-like change,in which S1 increased first and then decreased,while S2 was the opposite.As a whole,the leaf biomass increased first and then decreased,in which S1 was mainly distributed in the middle and upper layers of the crown,while S2 was mainly distrib-uted in the lower layers.The upper layer of the canopy of S1 was more competitive than that of S2,there has been seri-ous natural thinning of canopy,the leaf biomass gradually shifted from the lower layer to the middle and upper layers.(3)The optimal fitting model of biomass was power function,which was the total biomass of crown[y=3.904(D²H)1.247],canopy bare branches[y=1.901(D²H)1.28],canopy branch bark[y=0.734(D²H)1.276],and canopy leaves(y=3.86D2.791).


海南大学热带农林学院,海南海口 570228海南省林业科学研究院(海南红树林研究院),海南海口 571199国际竹藤中心三亚研究基地,海南三亚 572000



Dalbergia odoriferacanopybiomassdistributional characteristicsfitting equation

《热带作物学报》 2025 (001)

162-170 / 9


