Biological Characteristics and Acclimation Cultivation of Auricularia villosula
短毛木耳是黑木耳的近似种,主要分布于热带、亚热带高海拔地区,能较好地适应广西高温高湿的气候,目前有关短毛木耳驯化栽培的报道较少.本研究以野外采集的短毛木耳子实体(TY081)为材料,采用序列分析方法,建立短毛木耳鉴定的分子标记;通过单因素试验探究不同温度、碳源、氮源对短毛木耳菌丝生长的影响,用正交试验对培养基的碳、氮源进一步优化.结果表明:开发的分子标记方法可以快速有效地鉴别出短毛木耳;短毛木耳 TY081菌丝生长的最适温度是 30℃,最适碳源为葡萄糖,最适氮源为黄豆粉;优化后的培养基碳氮组合为果糖、酵母浸粉,菌丝生长速度达 0.92 mm/d.短毛木耳TY081 在栽培菌袋中的发菌温度为 28℃,培养 60 d满袋,刺孔后大棚培养 10 d形成原基,子实体生长温度为 24℃,湿度为 85%,每袋的产量为 20.943 g(干质量).
Auricularia villosula Malysheva is a similar species of Auricularia heimuer F.Wu,B.K.Cui&Y.C.Dai,mainly distributed in high altitude areas of tropical and subtropical regions.It can adapt to the high temperature and high humidity climate in Guangxi.There are few reports on the domestication of A.villosula.In this paper,the fruiting bod-ies of auriculae collected in the field was used,and the molecular marker was established by sequence analysis.The effects of different temperature,carbon and nitrogen sources on the mycelia growth of A.villosula were explored through single factor tests,and the carbon and nitrogen sources of the medium were further optimized by an orthogonal test.The fruiting body of fungus was preliminarily identified as A.villosula(TY081).The results showed that the de-veloped molecular labeling method could quickly and effectively identify A.villosula.The optimal temperature for my-celia growth of A.villosula TY081 was 30℃,the optimal carbon source was glucose,and the optimal nitrogen source was soybean powder.The optimized medium carbon and nitrogen combination was fructose,yeast powder,mycelium growth rate reached 0.92 mm/d.A.villosula TY081 was incubated at 28℃in a culture bag mainly composed of saw-dust,and the bag was full for 60 days.After puncturing,it was cultured in a greenhouse for 10 days to form the primor-dia.The fruity body growth temperature was 24℃,the humidity was 85%,and the yield of each bag was 20.943 g(dry weight).
广西民族大学海洋生物与技术学院,广西南宁 530006||广西壮族自治区农业科学院微生物研究所,广西南宁 530007贺州学院食品与生物工程学院,广西贺州 542899||广西壮族自治区农业科学院微生物研究所,广西南宁 530007广西民族大学海洋生物与技术学院,广西南宁 530006广西壮族自治区农业科学院微生物研究所,广西南宁 530007
Auricularia villosulamolecular verificationbiological characteristicsacclimation culture
《热带作物学报》 2025 (001)
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