Cause Analysis of an Extreme Gale Event with a Bow Echo in Southern Shandong Under the Background of a Cold Vortex
2020年5月17日傍晚到夜间,山东南部发生了一次罕见的极大风速超过12级并伴有大冰雹的弓形回波天气过程.为提高对弓形回波造成极端大风环境条件以及风暴结构特征、演变机制的认识,基于常规观测资料、地面加密自动气象站观测资料、多普勒雷达资料和ERA5再分析资料,分析了此次极端大风的成因.结果表明:华北冷涡后部横槽转竖引导冷空气南下,增强了对流层中、低层风垂直切变,促进了位势不稳定的发展,为产生强对流天气提供了有利的环境条件.中层干冷空气的侵入以及低层温度层结曲线接近平行于干绝热线有利于雷暴大风的形成.初始对流在850 hPa切变线与地面辐合线重合附近触发.大风指数(WINDEX)计算的地面最大风速的潜势与观测的地面极大风较接近.弓形回波具有显著的回波悬垂、弱回波区、强后侧入流等结构特征.强的后侧入流和对流层中层异常干的环境利于形成强下沉气流,极端大风发生在弓形回波凸起位置.冷池加强伴随风暴后侧入流急流的发展,对形成弓形回波和地面大风有直接影响.地面小尺度冷池造成的加压和天气尺度低压造成的减压形成变压风.变压风与冷池密度流相叠加增强了地面大风的强度.地面极端大风是冷池密度流、后侧入流急流和动量下传共同作用的结果.
On the night of May 17,2020,an extreme gale event with a rare strong bow echo,large hail,and extreme wind speed exceeding 12 on the Beaufort scale,was recorded in southern Shandong Province,China.To improve the understanding of the environmental conditions of such extreme gales,the present study analyzed the characteristics of storm structure and the mechanism of evolution by using ERA5 reanalysis data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,and data from conventional observation,ground automatic weather station intensive observation,and Doppler radar.The results indicate that the transverse trough at the rear of the North China cold vortex turned vertical to guide the cold air southward,which enhanced the vertical shear of mid-and low-level tropospheric winds,promoted the development of potential instability,and provided favorable environmental conditions for the generation of strong convective weather.The invasion of dry and cold air in the mid-level and the low-level temperature stratification curve being nearly parallel to the dry adiabatic line were conducive to the formation of thunderstorm gales.The initial convection was triggered near the place where the 850 hPa shear line coincided with the surface convergence line.The potential of the maximum ground wind speed calculated by using WINDEX(an index for forecasting microburst potential)was closer to the observed surface extreme wind speed.The bow echo had significant structural features such as echo overhang,weak echo region,and strong rear inflow.The strong rear inflow and abnormally dry mid-troposphere conditions were conducive to the formation of strong downdrafts,with extreme gale occurring at the place corresponding to the convex part of the bow echo.The strengthening of the cold pool was accompanied by the development of the inflow jet behind the storm,which had a direct impact on the formation of the bow echo and surface extreme gale.Pressurization due to the small-scale cold pool at the land surface and depressurization due to synoptic scale cyclones led to isallobaric winds.The superposition of isallobaric wind and cold pool density flow enhanced the intensity of surface extreme gale.The surface extreme gale was the result of the combined influence of cold pool density flow,rear inflow jet,and downward momentum transportation.
山东省气象防灾减灾重点实验室,山东 济南 250031||山东省临沂市气象局,山东 临沂 276004山东省临沂市气象局,山东 临沂 276004山东省临沂市气象局,山东 临沂 276004山东省临沂市气象局,山东 临沂 276004
extreme galebow echocold poolmomentum transportation downward
《热带气象学报》 2024 (5)