HR+HER2+Breast Cancer in a Young Male:A Case Report and Litera-ture Review
鉴于全球范围内男性乳腺癌(male breast cancer,MBC)的罕见性,本研究通过1例局部晚期HR+HER2+伴腋窝淋巴结阳性的年轻男性乳腺癌患者接受TCbHP新辅助治疗方案的真实世界案例,探讨该方案在MBC中的应用潜力.该31岁患者接受了 6周期的TCbHP新辅助治疗方案和改良根治术,术后无复发迹象,证实了该方案在MBC患者中具有一定的疗效,但需注意其与女性乳腺癌治疗效果的差异.本例报告不仅为TCbHP在MBC中的应用提供了真实世界数据,而且强调了针对MBC患者开展特定人群研究、探索个性化治疗方案的必要性.此外,提升大众对MBC的认知、加强早期筛查、提高诊断和治疗的及时性,对于改善MBC患者预后至关重要环节.考虑到单例报告的局限性,未来应开展更大规模的研究以验证本文的发现.
Given the rarity of male breast cancer(MBC)worldwide,this study presents a real-world case of a young man with locally advanced HR+HER2+breast cancer and axillary lymph node involvement who received neoadjuvant chemother-apy with TCbHP,exploring the application potential of TCbHP neoadjuvant therapy in MBC.A 31-year-old patient underwent six cycles of TCbHP as neoadjuvant therapy followed by a modified radical mastectomy without postoperative recurrence,demonstrating that TCbHP neoadjuvant therapy has a certain effect in MBC,although its outcomes may differ from those ob-served in female breast cancer.This case report contributes real-world evidence for the use of TCbHP in MBC,and highlights the need for targeted research on specific populations to investigate personalized treatment strategies.In addition,increasing public awareness of MBC,implementing early screening programs,and ensuring timely diagnosis and treatment are critical components for improving the prognosis of MBC patients.Acknowledging the limitations of single-case reports,future studies should include larger cohorts to validate these findings.
430022 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院甲状腺乳腺外科430022 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院甲状腺乳腺外科430022 武汉,华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院甲状腺乳腺外科
Male breast cancerNeoadjuvant therapyTCbHP
《肿瘤预防与治疗》 2024 (12)
This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province(No.2024AFB081). 2024年湖北省自然科学基金计划(青年项目)(编号:2024AFB081)