

Coupling Measurement and Interactive Response of Economic Development Quality and Ecological Resilience in China's Land Border Areas


[目的]探究经济发展质量与生态韧性的耦合协调关系及其动态演化形态过程,厘清经济发展与生态保护的协调作用与响应机制,旨在为陆地边境地区资源高效配置与城乡融合发展提供理论参考.[方法]运用耦合协调模型、核密度估计测算并刻画 出经济发展质量与生态韧性耦合关系及其分布形态,最后采用P-VAR模型对两系统的交互响应关系进行阐述和验证.[结果]①2000-2020年边境地区经济发展质量与生态韧性间的耦合协调度介于0.183 4~0.272 8之间,并呈"先降后升"的演化特点,各边境地区耦合协调度以单峰形态逐渐推演至双峰显化.②北部、西北及西藏边境经济发展质量对生态韧性的脉冲响应表现为负向影响,而东北、西北、西南边境生态韧性对经济发展质量的脉冲响应表现为正向影响.③边境地区经济发展质量对生态韧性的贡献率逐渐升高,生态韧性对经济发展质量的贡献率逐渐降低,西北边境两系统交互响应的贡献率高于其余边境地区.[结论]中国陆地边境地区经济发展质量与生态韧性耦合协调与交互响应区域差异较为显著,因此提出差异化政策建议有利于促进中国陆地边境经济要素可持续利用与保障国土空间生态安全.

[Objective]The coupling coordination relationship between economic development quality and ecological resilience,and its dynamic evolution form process were explored,and the coordination role and response mechanism of economic development and ecological protection were clarified,so as to provide theoretical reference for efficient resource allocation and urban-rural integrated development in land border areas.[Methods]The coupled coordination model and kernel density estimation were used to measure and depict the coupling relationship and distribution pattern between economic development quality and ecological resilience.Finally,the P-VAR model was employed to elaborate and verify the interactive response relationship between the two systems.[Results]① From 2000 to 2020,the coupling coordination degree between economic development quality and ecological resilience in border areas ranged from 0.183 4 to 0.272 8,showing an"initial decline followed by an increase"evolutionary characteristic.The coupling coordination degree of each border area gradually evolved from a unimodal shape to a bimodal manifestation.② The pulse response of ecological resilience to the quality of economic development in the northern,northwestern of China,and Xizang border areas was negatively impacted,while the pulse response of ecological resilience to the quality of economic development in the northeast,northwest,and southwest border areas of China was positively impacted.③ The contribution rate of the quality of economic development to ecological resilience in border areas is gradually increasing,while the contribution rate of ecological resilience to the quality of economic development was gradually decreasing.The contribution rate of the interactive response between the two systems in the northwest border area was higher than that in other border areas of China.[Conclusion]There are significant regional differences in the coupling,coordination and interaction of economic development quality and ecological resilience in China's land border areas,so it is beneficial to promote the sustainable use of economic elements and ensure the ecological security of land space in China's land border areas.


南宁师范大学 自然资源与测绘学院,广西南宁 530001南宁师范大学 自然资源与测绘学院,广西南宁 530001广西壮族自治区自然资源生态修复中心,广西南宁 530001



quality of economic developmentecological resiliencecoupling measureinteractive responseChina's land border areas

《水土保持通报》 2024 (6)



