Combustibility of 12 Shrub Species in Xiaoxing'anling
This paper aims to compare the differences of burning properties of 12 typical tree species in Xiaoxing'anling,and to provide reference for the selection and allocation of fireproof forest tree species.In the study,the 12 kinds of shrubs in the Xiaoxing'anling region of Heilongjiang Province are taken as the main research subjects,with their stems,branches,and leaves measured sepa-rately for the combustibility indicators.The hierarchical analysis method(AHP)is then applied to construct a hierarchical model of the combustibility of shrub plants,determining the weights of each index of combustibility,calculating the combustibility values of dif-ferent parts of the shrub,and confirming the weight ratio of each part of the shrub in combination with expert scoring methods to arrive at the combustibility ranking of 12 kinds of shrub.It has been revealed by the research results that:in terms of the whole plant,Rosa davurica has the strongest combustibility,while Lonicera japonica has the weakest.Compared the combustibility of the stem,the most easily ignited is Sambucus williamsii and the hardest to ignite is Lonicera japonica.Compared the branch combustibility,the most eas-ily ignited is Sambucus williamsii and the hardest to ignite is Lonicera japonica.Compared the combustibility of leaves,those of Acan-thopanax senticosus are most easily ignited and those of Tamarix ramosissima are the hardest to be ignited.The results can provide a theoretical basis for the shrub's combustibility and a support for predicting forest fire behavior,and combustible materials management.
黑龙江省森林保护研究所,哈尔滨 150040黑龙江省生态研究所,哈尔滨 150040黑龙江省林业科学院,哈尔滨,150040
Xiaoxing'anlingforest fuelsshrubcombustibilityphysicochemical propertiesanalytic hierarchy process
《森林工程》 2025 (1)