A New Method for Measuring Stellar Parameters of A-Type Stars in LAMOST Low-Resolution Spectra
以LAMOST为代表的恒星光谱巡天获得了海量的A型星光谱.从A型星的低分辨率光谱中准确测量其大气物理参数并形成统一的处理管线的过程,往往受到特殊A 型星的影响.探讨了特殊A型星Am和Ae在光学波段的光谱特征,Am星以弱的Ca II K线和强的Fe线为特征,而Ae星则以光谱中的发射线为显著特征.通过屏蔽Am和Ae星中对测量大气参数有重要影响的光谱区域,并尽量保留对恒星参数敏感的区域,获得了测量A 型恒星大气参数的统一算法.该方法将应用于LAMOST DR11 以及后续的数据产品中.通过对重复观测源的参数进行统计分析,有效温度(Teff)、表面重力(lg g)和金属丰度([Fe/H])的精度分别为108 K、0.103 dex和 0.074 dex.通过与高分辨率星表PASTEL 进行交叉对比发现,该方法获得的有效温度、表面重力和金属丰度的标准差分别为 215 K、0.283 dex和 0.307 dex.
The stellar spectroscopic surveys represented by LAMOST have generated a vast amount of A-type star spectra.Accurately measuring the atmospheric physical parameters from low-resolution spectra of A-type stars and forming a unified processing pipeline is often affected by special A-type stars.This paper discusses the spectral features of special A-type stars,Am and Ae in the optical band.Am stars are characterized by weak Ca II lines and strong Fe lines,while Ae stars are distinguished by emission lines in their spectra.By shielding the spectral regions in Am and Ae stars that have a significant impact on the measurement of atmospheric parameters and retaining regions sensitive to stellar parameters as much as possible,we have obtained a unified algorithm for measuring the atmospheric parameters of A-type stars.This method will be applied to LAMOST Data Release 11(DR11)and subsequent data products.Through statistical analysis of parameters from repeated observations,the precisions for effective temperature(Teff),surface gravity(lg g)and metallicity([Fe/H])are found to be 108 K,0.103 dex,and 0.074 dex,respectively.External comparison analysis with the high-resolution catalog PASTEL reveals that the standard deviations for Teff,lg g,and[Fe/H]obtained by this method are 234 K,0.283 dex,and 0.327 dex,respectively.
中国科学院 国家天文台 光学天文重点实验室,北京 100101||中国科学院大学,北京 100049中国科学院 国家天文台 光学天文重点实验室,北京 100101||中国科学院大学,北京 100049
A-Type starstellar parametersurvey
《天文学进展》 2024 (4)