Study the Feedback Mechanism in Star Forming Region G10.32-0.15
反馈在恒星形成过程中扮演着重要角色,对于恒星和行星的形成、星团和母体分子云的演化都具有重要影响.利用多波段的红外数据以及亚毫米波的连续谱数据确定了恒星星团的位置以及致密尘埃团块C1、C2、C3、C4 和C5 的分布.NH3 速度积分强度的分布与 870µm 示踪的致密尘埃的分布具有很好的成协性,表明NH3 能很好地示踪致密分子气体.在局域热动平衡的假设下,结合NH3(1,1)和NH3(2,2)的分子谱线数据,通过辐射转移计算获取了分子气体的速度场、速度弥散、旋转温度、NH3 柱密度以及波束填充因子的分布.通过进一步的计算,得到了G10.32-0.15 中气体的运动温度、声速、非热速度弥散、热压与非热压的比值以及马赫数.综合分析以上结果,表明G10.32-0.15 中的致密气体可能受到了恒星形成区多种反馈机制的影响:C1 区域的气体可能受到热反馈的影响,C2 和C3 区域的气体可能受到爆炸反馈的影响,C4 和C5 区域的气体可能受到动量反馈的影响.恒星形成区G10.32-0.15 与周围的致密气体存在着复杂的相互作用,不同区域的气体可能由不同反馈机制主导.
Feedback plays an important role in star formation and strongly impacts the for-mation of stars and planets,and the evolution of the star cluster and the parental molecular cloud.Multi-wavelength studies of star forming region G10.32-0.15 were conducted using the NH3(1,1)and NH3(2,2)spectrum line data of the ammonia molecule observed with the GBT and with the inclusion of multi-wavelength continuum data from the cm,sub-mm to infrared bands.The infrared star cluster and dense dust clumps C1,C2,C3,C4 and C5 are identified in the source based on the multi-wavelength infrared and sub-mm continuum data.The NH3 velocity-integrated intensity distribution is clearly associated with the dense dust distribution detected by 870µm emission,indicating that NH3 is a good dense gas tracer.The distribution of velocity,velocity dispersion,rotation temperature,NH3 column density and filling factor can be derived by fitting a radiation transfer model to the NH3(1,1)and NH3(2,2)data under the assumption of Local Thermal Equilibrium.Furthermore,the ki-netic temperature,the sound speed,the non-thermal velocity dispersion,the ratio between thermal pressure and non-thermal pressure,and the Mach number are derived based on those fitted parameters.From the above results,the dense gas in G10.32-0.15 is affected by multiple feedback processes:the dense gas in C1 is likely affected by thermal feedback,the dense gas in C2 and C3 is likely affected by explosive feedback,and the dense gas in C4 and C5 is likely affected by momentum feedback.Therefore,very complicated interactions exist between the infrared star cluster and the surrounding gas and different feedback mechanisms maybe dominate the different regions in G10.32-0.15.
新疆大学,乌鲁木齐 830046||中国科学院 新疆天文台,乌鲁木齐 830011中国科学院 新疆天文台,乌鲁木齐 830011中国科学院 新疆天文台,乌鲁木齐 830011||新疆大学,乌鲁木齐 830046
molecular cloudmolecular spectrum linestar formation
《天文学进展》 2024 (4)