伽马暴GRB 221009A的观测角限制OA北大核心CSTPCD
The Viewing Angle Limitation of GRB 221009A
GRB 221009A 被称为"史上最亮"(BOAT)的伽马射线暴,在所有波长下被许多卫星探测到.它是迄今为止观测到的具有最高各向同性能(Eiso ≈ 1.5×1048J)、离地球较近(红移为z=0.151)的伽马射线暴.伽马暴的辐射起源于相对论喷流,它们的各项同性能可能取决于喷流的内禀能量、喷流的张角和相对喷流的观测角.根据长暴的Ep,i-Eiso 关系和Γ-Eiso关系,估算了GRB 221009A 的观测视线与喷流边缘的夹角θ′obs 和洛伦兹因子Γ,结果为Γ=(4.23±2.81)×103,观测角θ′obs=(0.03±0.01)◦.这个结果表明,对于GRB 221009A,观测视线与喷流边缘的夹角非常小,即GRB 221009A是正轴观测,这可能是GRB 221009A具有最高各向同性能的原因之一.
Long gamma-ray burst(GRB)GRB 221009A,known as the"rightest-of-all-time"(BOAT),triggered all satellites equipped for transient detection in all wavelengths.Relative to other GRBs ever detected by the humanity in the past half century,the fluence and peak flux of GRB 221009A are the highest.At a redshift of z=0.151,GRB 221009A holds the record of the highest ever measured isotropic energy Eiso.Prompt gamma-ray emission is thought to be the result of a highly relativistic and collimated jet with a small inclination angle with respect to the Earth.Thus,the measured isotropic energy may depends on the intrinsic energy of the jet,the opening angle of the jet,and the viewing angle of the relative jet.Here we use the relations Ep,i-Eiso and Γ-Eiso of the long burst to determine the viewing angle θ′obs and the Lorentz factor Γ of long GRB 221009.Our results show Γ=(4.23±2.81)×103 and θ′obs=0.03°±0.01°for long GRB 221009A.The result indicates that for GRB 221009A,the viewing angle between the line of sight and the jet edge of GRB 221009A is very small.That is,GRB 221009A may be a positive axis observation,which may be one of the reasons that GRB 221009A has the highest Eiso.
厦门理工学院 福建省光电技术与器件重点实验室,厦门 361024||厦门理工学院 光电与通信工程学院,厦门 361024
gamma-ray burstjetrelativistic processes
《天文学进展》 2024 (4)