Establishment and Operation of the International Scientific Regional Center for Astronomical Mega-Facilities
随着天文学研究的不断深入,国际天文大装置的建设与运行日益成为推动科学进步的重要因素.综述了国际天文大装置科学区域中心的建设现状与运行机制,探讨了其在数据管理、科研合作和用户支持等方面的作用.首先介绍了科学区域中心的定义及其在天文研究中的重要性,接着分析了多个典型区域中心的天文大装置,包括低频阵列望远镜(Low-Frequency Array,LOFAR)和阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米波阵(Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array,ALMA)等,强调了基础设施、技术投资和管理架构对其成功的影响.在此基础上,进一步讨论了当前面临的挑战,如资源分配、数据共享与合作机制,并展望了未来的发展方向与趋势,对未来天文大装置科学区域中心的建设和运维有参考与借鉴价值.
With the continuous deepening of astronomical research,the construction and operation of the International Astronomical Large Facility(IALF)has increasingly become an essential factor in promoting scientific progress.This study summarizes the current con-struction and operation mechanism of the International Astronomical Large Devices(IALDs)science regional centers and discusses their roles in data management,scientific cooperation,and user support.Firstly,it introduces the definition of science regional centers and their importance in astronomical research and then analyzes the successful cases of several typical regional centers,including the Low-Frequency Array(LOFAR)telescope and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array(ALMA),emphasizing the impact of infrastructure,technology investments,and management structures on their success.In addition,this study discusses the current challenges,such as resource allocation,data sharing,and cooperation mechanisms,and anticipates future directions and trends.By summarizing the practical experiences at home and abroad,this paper aims to provide references and lessons for the construction and operation of future scientific regional centers for astronomical mega facili-ties.
科学技术部 国际科技合作中心,北京 100036中国科学院 上海天文台,上海 200030中国科学院 上海天文台,上海 200030广州大学,广州 510006中国科学院 上海天文台,上海 200030科学技术部 国际科技合作中心,北京 100036科学技术部 国际科技合作中心,北京 100036科学技术部 国际科技合作中心,北京 100036
radio astronomyastronomical mega facilitiesregional centers
《天文学进展》 2024 (4)