

Research on Molding Technology of Ultra-light Carbon Fiber Composites Parts for UAV


以国家某重点项目平流层长航时固定翼无人机项目为依托,研究无人机机翼结构件的成型技术.在保证无人机机翼结构强度、刚度、稳定性的前提下,通过外模压内气压的加压方式并结合热板烘箱加热技术固化成型碳纤维复合材料泡沫夹芯结构主梁和前缘;对主梁产品进行加载试验和有限元分析,根据分析结果对主梁产品表面补强.结果表明,补强后的主梁产品可满足2.5倍额定载荷要求,同时可承受102N·m扭矩,且总重7.2 kg,前缘产品重0.19 kg,实现机翼结构部件的轻量化;本文研制产品满足各项技术指标,为超轻碳纤维复合材料结构件的成型提供新的技术手段.

This paper is based on a national key project stratospheric long-endurance fixed-wing UAV project,which studies the manufacturing technology of wing structural components for unmanned aerial vehicles.To meet the strength,stiffness and stability of the wing structure,the main beam and leading edge of the carbon fiber composite foam sandwich structure were solidified using external molding and internal pressure,combined with hot plate oven heating technology.Load test and finite element analysis were conducted on the main beam products.According to the analysis results,the surface of the main beam product was reinforced.The results indicate that the reinforced main beam product can withstand 2.5 times the rated load and bear atorque of 102N·m,and the total weight of the main beam products was 7.2kg and the leading edge products weighed 0.19kg,achieving the lightweight of the wing structural components.The developed products meet the requirements of various indicators,and provide a new technical approach for the forming of ultra-light carbon fiber composite structural parts.


西安康本材料有限公司,高性能碳纤维制造及应用国家地方联合工程研究中心,西安 710089西安康本材料有限公司,高性能碳纤维制造及应用国家地方联合工程研究中心,西安 710089西安康本材料有限公司,高性能碳纤维制造及应用国家地方联合工程研究中心,西安 710089西安康本材料有限公司,高性能碳纤维制造及应用国家地方联合工程研究中心,西安 710089西安康本材料有限公司,高性能碳纤维制造及应用国家地方联合工程研究中心,西安 710089


UAVUltra-lightCarbon fiber compositeorming technology

《宇航材料工艺》 2024 (6)


