

Effect of Knee Arthroscopy Combined with Shenxiao Plaster on Knee Joint Function and Postoperative Pain in Patients with Osteoarthritis


目的 分析膝关节镜联合神效贴对骨关节炎患者膝关节功能及术后疼痛程度的影响.方法 选取 2021 年 2 月-2023 年2 月在我院诊治的 74 例骨关节炎患者为研究对象,采用随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各组 37 例.对照组采用膝关节镜治疗,观察组在对照组基础上联合神效贴治疗,比较两组临床疗效、临床症状(晨僵、关节肿胀、压痛)评分、疼痛评分(VAS)、膝关节功能评分(Lysholm)、骨关节炎指数(WOMAC)以及不良反应发生率.结果 观察组治疗总有效率为 94.59%,高于对照组的83.78%(P<0.05);观察组晨僵、关节肿胀、压痛、VAS评分、WOMAC指数低于对照组,Lysholm评分高于对照组(P<0.05);观察组不良反应发生率为 8.11%,与对照组的 5.41%比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 膝关节镜联合神效贴对骨关节炎患者膝关节功能及术后疼痛程度具有积极的影响,减轻疼痛度及临床症状,提高膝关节功能,降低骨关节炎指数,且不会增加不良反应,值得临床予以重视.

Objective To analyze the effect of knee arthroscopy combined with Shenxiao Plaster on knee joint function and postoperative pain in patients with osteoarthritis.Methods During February,2021 and February,2023,74 patients with osteoarthritis who were diagnosed and treated in our hospital were collected as the research objects,and they were randomly allocated into the control group and observation group by random number table method,each group contained 37 patients.In the control group,patients were treated knee arthroscopy,while patients in the observation group was added Shenxiao paster on the basis of the method which was carry out in the control group.The clinical efficacy,clinical symptoms(morning stiffness,joint swelling,tenderness)score,pain score(VAS),knee function score(Lysholm),osteoarthritis index(WOMAC)and the incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the control goup and the observation group.Results The observation group(94.59%)had higher the total effective rate than that in the control group(83.78%)(P<0.05).In terms of surgical outcomes,the observation group had lower scores of morning stiffness,joint swelling,tenderness,VAS,and WOMAC index,but had higher Lysholm score than that in the control group(P<0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions in the observation group was 8.11%,which was compared with 5.41%in the control group,the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion Knee arthroscopy combined with Shenxiao paste has a positive effect on knee joint function and postoperative pain in patients with osteoarthritis,which can reduce pain and clinical symptoms,improve knee joint function,reduce osteoarthritis index,and will not increase adverse reactions.It is worthy of clinical attention.


天津中医药大学第二附属医院骨伤科,天津 300250天津中医药大学第二附属医院骨伤科,天津 300250天津中医药大学第二附属医院骨伤科,天津 300250



Knee arthroscopyShenxiao pasterOsteoarthritisKnee joint functionPain degree

《医学信息》 2024 (23)


