

Study on the Status Quo and Influencing Factors of Knowledge,Attitude and Practice of Pension Caregivers in Evaluating the Self-care Ability of the Elderly


目的 了解医养结合机构养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知信行现状及影响因素.方法 于 2023 年 5 月 1 日-6 月 30日,分层整群抽样选取绵阳市医养结合机构 295 例养老护理员作为研究对象,采用一般资料和医养结合机构养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知信行问卷进行问卷调查.结果 养老护理员主要为女性(77.29%),年龄集中在 40~49 岁(35.25%);单因素分析显示,年龄、文化程度、从事养老护理工作年限、婚姻状况、收入、培训经历、培训频率、护理的老年人自理能力是养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知识维度得分、态度维度得分、行为维度得分的影响因素(P<0.05).医养结合机构养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知识、态度、行为维度的标准分别为(70.63±6.52)分、(75.26±8.27)分、(64.03±7.52)分.相关性分析显示,医养结合机构养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知识、态度和行为之间均呈正相关(P<0.05),其中知识维度与态度维度得分相关性最强(r=0.315).多因素分析结果显示,从事养老工作年限、是否有相关培训经历、专业培训频率、态度得分是养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知识维度得分的影响因素(P<0.05);性别、文化程度、聘任方式、从事养老护理工作年限、知识得分是养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估态度得分的影响因素(P<0.05);是否有相关培训经历、护理的老人自理能力是养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估行为得分的影响因素(P<0.05).结论 医养结合机构养老护理员对老年人自理能力评估知识、态度和行为水平处于中等水平.养老机构管理者与民政部门应重视养老护理员自理能力评估临床实践,利用医联体模式的资源,完善养老护理员培训和教育体系,提高养老护理员对老年人自理能力的认知水平,为养老机构开展老年人自护活动,提高照护质量提供理论依据.

Objective To understand thestatus quo and influencing factors of knowledge,attitude and practice of pension caregivers in evaluating the self-care ability of the elderly.Methods From May 1 to June 30,2023,295 pension caregivers in medical and nursing institutions in Mianyang City were selected as the research objects by stratified cluster sampling.The general data and the knowledge,attitude and practice questionnaire of pension caregivers in medical and nursing institutions were used to conduct a questionnaire survey on the self-care ability assessment of the elderly.Results The pension caregivers were mainly female(77.29%),aged 40-49 years old(35.25%).Univariate analysis showed that age,education level,years of working in elderly care,marital status,income,training experience,training frequency and self-care ability of the elderly were the influencing factors of the knowledge dimension score,attitude dimension score and practice dimension score of the pension caregivers'assessment of self-care ability of the elderly(P<0.05).The standard of knowledge,attitude and practice dimension of self-care ability assessment of the elderly by pension caregivers in medical and nursing institutions was(70.63±6.52)scores,(75.26±8.27)scores and(64.03±7.52)scores,respectively.Correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between the knowledge,attitude and practice of the elderly self-care ability assessment of pension caregivers in the medical and nursing institutions(P<0.05),and the correlation between the knowledge dimension and the attitude dimension was the strongest(r=0.315).The results of multivariate analysis showed that the years of working in the old-age care,whether there was relevant training experience,the frequency of professional training,and the attitude score were the influencing factors of the knowledge dimension score of the pension caregivers'assessment of the elderly's self-care ability(P<0.05);gender,education level,employment mode,years of working in elderly care and knowledge score were the influencing factors of the attitude score of pension caregivers on the assessment of self-care ability of the elderly(P<0.05);whether there was relevant training experience and the self-care ability of the elderly were the influencing factors of the self-care ability assessment practice score of pension caregivers(P<0.05).Conclusion The level of knowledge,attitude and practice of the elderly self-care ability assessment of pension caregivers in the medical and nursing institutions is at a medium level.The managers of nursing homes and civil affairs departments should pay attention to the clinical practice of self-care ability assessment of nursing home caregivers,make use of the resources of the medical consortium model,improve the training and education system of nursing home caregivers,improve the cognitive level of nursing home caregivers on the self-care ability of the elderly,and provide theoretical basis for nursing homes to carry out self-care activities for the elderly and improve the quality of care.


电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院免疫科,四川 绵阳 621000



Pension caregiversThe elderlySelf-care ability assessmentKnowledge,attitude and practice

《医学信息》 2024 (23)



