Research and Application of Water-based Drilling Waste Treatment Technology in Chad
乍得要求石油勘探开发过程中所产生废弃钻井液的主要污染物指标满足ISO国际标准.乍得水基钻井废弃物采用机械离心及化学破胶絮凝方法将其分离为固相和液相,而后分别进行针对性的处理研究和实验,对固液分离产水采用电化学氧化、气浮浮选、超滤及反渗透膜进行深度处理,终端产水COD综合去除率达 98.29%.剩余固相固化处理后,固化体浸出液相关指标如色度、石油类含量、COD、氨氮及重金属离子浓度,均达到GB/T 8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一级标准.乍得水基钻井废弃物处理设备在乍得Ronier、Moundou等钻井作业区应用,不仅完成了历史遗留泥浆坑内废弃物的集中处理,还实施了钻井废弃物随钻处理.产水及固相指标均满足乍得甲方要求,且终端产水指标达到ISO 23043《Evaluation Methods for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Reuse Processes》要求.
Chad has put forward strict requirements for the main pollutant indicators of waste drilling fluids generated during the oil exploration and development process meet the ISO international standards.The Chadian water-based drilling waste treatment technology refers to the waste treatment technology that focuses on non landing reception,dehydration and reduction separation,deep water treatment,and residual solid solidification treatment as key technical nodes.This technology utilizes mechanical centrifugation and chemical gel breaking flocculation methods to separate waste drilling fluid into solid and liquid phases.Targeted treatment research and experiments were conducted on the solid and liquid phases,respectively.Electrochemical oxidation,air flotation,ultrafiltration,and reverse osmosis membrane filtration were used to deeply treat the solid-liquid separation wastewater.The comprehensive COD removal rate of the terminal wastewater reached 98.29%.After the remaining solid phase solidification treatment,through the analysis of various indicators and parameters of the solidified leaching solution,its chromaticity,petroleum content,COD,ammonia nitrogen,and heavy metal ion concentration all meet the first level standard of GB/T 8978-1996"Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard".The Chadian water-based drilling waste treatment equipment has been applied in drilling operation areas such as Ronier and Moundou in Chad,which not only completes the centralized treatment of waste in historical mud pits,but also implements drilling waste disposal while drilling.The water production and solid phase indicators meet the requirements of Party A in Chad,and the terminal water production indicators meet the wastewater treatment standards recommended ISO 23043"Evaluation Methods for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Reuse Processes"by the World Health Organization(WHO).
drilling wastedehydration and reduction separationadvanced water treatmentresidual solid-phasesolidification treatment
《油气田环境保护》 2024 (6)