Application of hull form knowledge graph method in design of Yangtze River bulk cargo ship
[目的]针对长江航运航行环境复杂,部分船型能耗大、污染严重,迫切需要开展绿色智能船型研究的现状,将知识图谱应用到型线设计方法中,以适应绿色智能技术发展对船型优化的要求.[方法]构建长江货船型线知识图谱及推理模型,提出基于知识图谱的型线设计流程,完成长江 6 000 吨级散货船型线的快速设计,并与常规方法设计的船型进行对比.[结果]与常规设计船型的对比结果表明,快速设计船型具有2.39%的降阻效果.[结论]验证了基于知识图谱的型线设计方法的有效性.
[Objective]Aiming at the complexity of the navigation environment for shipping on the Yangtze River,as well as the high energy consumption and serious pollution of some ship types,there is an urgent need to carry out research on green and intelligent ship types.In this study,a knowledge graph is applied to the hull form design method so as to adapt to the green and intelligent technological development requirements in the optimization of ship types.[Methods]The knowledge graph and inference model of a Yangtze River bulk cargo ship hull form are introduced,and a knowledge graph-based hull form design process is proposed for the first time to complete the rapid design of an excellent hull form for a 6 000-ton Yangtze River bulk cargo ship.The hull form is then compared with that of a ship designed by conventional methods.[Results]Drag reduc-tion effect of 2.39%is obtained compared with the conventionally designed hull form.[Conclusion]The results of this study verify the effectiveness of the proposed knowledge graph-based hull form design method.
武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063||武汉理工大学 高性能舰船技术教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430063武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063||武汉理工大学 高性能舰船技术教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430063武汉理工大学 船海与能源动力工程学院,湖北 武汉 430063||武汉理工大学 高性能舰船技术教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430063
knowledge-based engineeringnaval architectureYangtze River cargo shiphull formknowledge graphinference model
《中国舰船研究》 2024 (6)