

Optimization design of non-pressure tank structure based on simulated-annealing algorithmm


[目的]非耐压舷间液舱是双壳体潜艇的重要组成部分.随着潜艇下潜深度的增加,为减轻潜艇结构重量,提高潜艇的有效载荷,需要对非耐压舷间液舱结构进行优化.[方法]以非耐压舷间液舱壳板、肋骨间距、结构型材等尺寸作为设计变量,结构强度和几何构型要求作为约束条件,以及非耐压舷间液舱的总体积作为目标函数,采用模拟退火算法,利用Matlab软件编程及其Optimization Tool实现双壳体潜艇横骨架式舷间液舱的结构优化设计程序,并对优化结果进行定性分析.[结果]在满足相关规范的前提下,结构优化设计结果表明,最终方案相比初始方案结构体积降低约 27.2%.[结论]研究结果可为潜艇非耐压舷间液舱结构的设计提供参考.

[Objective]Non-pressure tank is an important component of double hull submarine.With the in-creasing diving depth,in order to reduce the structure weight and increase the payloads,the structural form of non-pressure tank of submarine need to be optimized.[Methods]In this paper,the thickness,frame spacing and stiffener section dimensions of the non-pressure tank are selected as the design variables;the structural strength,stability and geometrical requirements are set as the constraints;and the total volume of the structure is determined as the objective function.Based on a simulated-annealing algorithm,a special code and Optimiz-ation Tool are combined to form an optimization plan for a transverse non-pressure tank using Matlab soft-ware with its Optimization Tool,and qualitative analysis is conducted for the optimized design results.[Results]Under the premise of meeting the requirements of recent codes and standards,the results indicate that the structural volume of optimized plan is reduced by 27.2% compared to original plan.[Conclusion]The results of this study can provide useful references for the design of non-pressure tanks.


中国舰船研究设计中心,湖北 武汉 430064中国舰船研究设计中心,湖北 武汉 430064中国舰船研究设计中心,湖北 武汉 430064



simulated annealing algorithmtanksstructure optimization

《中国舰船研究》 2024 (z2)


