

Electromagnetic wave absorption performance of Fe3O4/activated carbon-natural resin nanocomposite


近期,迫切需要开发高效的微波吸收材料以降低电磁污染.单一材料通常难以实现优异的吸附性能,本研究探索了由生物材料(沙枣籽)和树脂(杏树胶)衍生的活性炭与Fe3O4的复合材料,以提高复合材料的介电性能并实现高比表面积.1mm厚的Fe3O4/树脂(FEOR)纳米复合材料中,磁性纳米粒Fe3O4子锚定在杏树胶上,注入石蜡后,实现了-71.09 dB的反射损失.将其与由Fe3O4/沙枣籽衍生活性炭组成的纳米复合材料以及具有多孔结构的三组分Fe3O4/活性炭/树脂样品的结果进行对比,发现FEOR的多孔结构对表面极化有直接影响.然而,FEOR样品具有接近理想的阻抗匹配(接近1),这导致了高电磁波吸收性能.此外,材料中的缺陷在通过偶极子极化和电荷载流子捕获而改善了微波衰减.

There has recently been a fundamental need to develop high efficiency microwave absorbers to reduce electro-magnet-ic pollution.It is often very difficult to obtain superior absorption with only one material,so we have explored composites using fillers of activated carbon derived from biological material(oleaster seeds)and resin(apricot tree gum)with Fe3O4 in a paraffin wax matrix to improve the dielectric properties and achieve a high specific surface area.A 1 mm thick layer of a Fe3O4+resin(FEOR),with the magnetic nanoparticles anchored to the gum,resulted in a reflection loss of-71.09 dB.We compared this with the results for composites using a filler of Fe3O4+activated carbon,and one with a three-component filler of Fe3O4+activated carbon+resin which had a very porous structure that had a direct effect on the surface polarization.However,the FEOR sample had near-ideal im-pedance matching,close to 1,which resulted in high absorption performance.In addition,the presence of defects improves mi-crowave attenuation by dipole polarization and charge carrier trapping.This work suggests the use of new types of biomaterials to in-crease microwave absorption.

Mahsa Mahmoodi;Bagher Aslibeiki;Reza Peymanfar;Hamid Naghshara;Rajesh Kumar Rajagopal;Yue Zhao;Davide Peddis;Tapati Sarkar

Faculty of Physics,University of Tabriz,51666-16471,Tabriz,IranFaculty of Physics,University of Tabriz,51666-16471,Tabriz,Iran||Division of Solid State Physics,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Uppsala University,SE-751 03,SwedenDepartment of Chemical Engineering,Energy Institute of Higher Education,39177-67746,Saveh,Iran||Iranian Society of Philosophers,Department of Science,13187-76511,Tehran,Iran||Peykareh Enterprise Development CO.,15149-45511,Tehran,IranFaculty of Physics,University of Tabriz,51666-16471,Tabriz,IranDivision of Solid State Physics,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Uppsala University,SE-751 03,SwedenCollege of Materials Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing,210016,People's Republic of ChinaDipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale & INSTM,nbM2-Lab,Università degli Studi di Genova,Via Dodecaneso 31,I-16146,Genoa,Italy||Institute of Structure of Matter,National Research Council,nM2-Lab,Via Salaria km 29.300,Monterotondo Scalo 00015,Roma,ItalyDivision of Solid State Physics,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Uppsala University,SE-751 03,Sweden


Activated carbonOleaster seedsGumMagnetiteMicrowave absorption

《新型炭材料(中英文)》 2024 (6)


Bagher Aslibeiki,Rajesh Kumar Rajagopal,and Tapati Sarkar gratefully acknowledge funding from Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare(214-0346 and 217-0014),and the Swedish Research Council(2021-03675).

