Research on Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Assessment of Historic and Cultural Blocks in Qinba Mountain Area
秦巴山区因其独特的地理和气候条件成为防灾减灾救灾的重点区域,而其历史文化街区的建筑是安全隐患的主要承载体.该文综合考虑秦巴山区历史文化街区建筑不安全性因素,从建筑单体和建筑组群两个层面,以及建筑本体、建筑附属和建筑环境三个维度,构建了历史文化街区建筑综合防灾的评估框架,并以陕西省第四批历史文化街区恒口老街区为例开展研究.结果表明:恒口老街区在建筑本体防灾、附属防灾及环境防灾在6大组群和1 219栋单体建筑内存在显著差异,防灾能力较强区域均呈面状分散于街巷两侧;而防灾薄弱点则多为可达性较低的组群内部.该结果为减轻街区建筑灾害风险危险性、降低建筑承灾体易损性、增强建筑自适性以及提高建筑的可恢复性,提供了研判技术依据和改进方向.
The Qinba Mountains have become a highland for disaster prevention,reduction,and relief due to their unique geomorphological features and climatic characteristics.The buildings in the historical and cultural blocks,as the smallest unit of spatial value,are the main carriers of potential safety hazards.Based on the con-cept of comprehensive disaster prevention,the subjective and objective factors that cause the unsafety of buildings in the historical and cultural blocks of the Qinba Mountains are fully considered.A comprehensive disaster preven-tion assessment system is constructed from two levels as individual buildings and building clusters,and three di-mensions as the building noumenon,affiliated structures and the building environment.The Hengkou Old Street,a fourth-batch historical and cultural block in Shaanxi Province,is used as a case study.The results show that there are significant differences in the disaster prevention of the building noumenon,affiliated structures,and the environment among the six major areas and 1 219 buildings in Hengkou Old Street.It precisely identifies that areas with strong disaster prevention in the building noumenon,in the affiliated structures,and the building environ-ment,are dispersed in patches along both sides of the streets and lanes.The weak disaster prevention points are mostly located within clusters with low accessibility.The results provide a technical basis for assessment and identi-fication,as well as prioritized approaches for improvement,in order to mitigate the risk of disaster hazards in dis-trict buildings,reduce the vulnerability of disaster-bearing buildings,enhance their adaptability,and improve their resilience.
西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,西安 710054西安科技大学 建筑与土木工程学院,西安 710054长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,西安 710061||中国地质大学(北京)地质安全研究院,北京 100083长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,西安 710061青海大学 财经学院,西宁 810016
historic and cultural blockbuildingscomprehensive disaster preventionnoumenonaffili-ated structuresenvironmentQinba Mountains
《灾害学》 2025 (1)