Accurate quantification of the algebraic,multiplicative algebraic,and simultaneous iterative reconstruction techniques in ionosphere rebuilding based on the TIEGCM assessmentOA
The algebraic reconstruction technique(ART),multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique(MART),and simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique(SIRT)are computational methodologies extensively utilized within the field of computerized ionospheric tomography(CIT)to facilitate three-dimensional reconstruction of the ionospheric morphology.However,reconstruction accuracy elicits recurrent disputes over its practical application,and people usually attribute this issue to incomplete and uneven coverage of the measurements.The Thermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation Model(TIEGCM)offers a reasonable physics-based ionospheric background and is widely utilized in ionospheric research.We use the TIEGCM simulations as the targeted ionosphere because the current measurements are far from able to realistically reproduce the ionosphere in detail.Optimized designations of satellite measurements are conducted to investigate the limiting performance of CIT methods in ionospheric reconstruction.Similar to common practice,electron density distributions from outputs of the International Reference Ionosphere(IRI)model are used as the iterative initial value in CIT applications.The outcomes suggest that despite data coverage,iterative initial conditions also play an essential role in ionospheric reconstruction.In particular,in the longitudinal sectors where the iterative initial height of the F2-layer peak electron density(hmF2)differs substantially from the background densities,none of the three CIT methods can reproduce the exact background profile.When hmF2 is close but the ionospheric F2-layer peak density(NmF2)is different between the targeted background and initial conditions,the MART performs better than the ART and SIRT,as evidenced by the correlation coefficients of MART being above 0.97 and those of ART and SIRT being below 0.85.In summary,this investigation reveals the potential uncertainties in traditional CIT reconstruction,particularly when realistic hmF2 or NmF2 values differ substantially from the initial CIT conditions.
Ao Qi;HaiBing Ruan
Institute of Space Weather,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment,University of Science&Technology of China,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230026,ChinaInstitute of Space Weather,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment,University of Science&Technology of China,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Hefei 230026,China
computerized ionospheric tomographyInternational Reference Ionosphere modelThermosphere Ionosphere Electrodynamics General Circulation modelionosphere
《Earth and Planetary Physics》 2025 (1)
supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.2022YFF0503702)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.42074186)the Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,University of Science&Technology of China.