Effects of Broadcasting Time and Film Mulching on Yield and Resistance of Winter Rapeseed Qinyou 10
以油菜品种秦优 10 号为试验材料,采用二因素随机区组设计,设 4 个播期(10 月 20 日、10 月27 日、11 月 4 日、11 月 11 日)和 2 种覆膜方式(覆膜穴播和露地穴播),研究播期与覆膜对直播冬油菜产量、主要经济性状和抗性的影响.结果表明:覆膜穴播种植能提高株高、分枝部位、单株有效分枝数、单株有效角果数,提升抗性,生育期提早 3~6 d,使油菜产量增加 4.03%~15.77%.但是,覆膜的增产效果随着播期推迟,呈现明显下降趋势.综合来看,滁州地区油菜露地穴直播以 10 月 27 日为播期下限阈值,在此播期前结合地膜覆盖技术,更有利于实现该区油菜高产的目标.
Using the rapeseed variety Qinyou 10 as the experimental material,two factors randomized block design as test method,this paper studied effects of broadcasting time(October 20,October 27,November 4,November 11)and film mulching(film mulching hole sowing and outdoor hole sowing)on yield,main economic traits,and resistance of winter rapeseed.The results showed that film mulching hole sowing planting could improve plant height,branch location,effective branches per plant,effective number of pods per plant,enhance resistance,advance growth period by 3-6 days,and increase rapeseed yield by 4.03%-15.77%.However,the yield increasing effect of film mulching showed a significant downward trend with the delay of broadcasting time.Overall,in the Chuzhou area,the minimum threshold for outdoor hole sowing of rapeseed is October 27.Combining with the plastic film mulching technology before this broadcasting time is more conducive to achieving the goal of high yield of rapeseed.
滁州市农业科学研究院,安徽 滁州 239000
rapeseedQinyou 10broadcasting timefilm mulchingyieldeconomic traitresistance
《现代农业科技》 2025 (001)
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