

Influence of Ignition Delay Time on Explosion Characteristics of Lignite Dust


煤炭加工过程中存在着不可忽视的煤尘爆炸安全隐患.采用哈特曼管装置开展了不同点火延时条件下褐煤粉尘的点火实验,研究了煤尘的点火临界特性.基于最小点火能变化特征,探究了不同点火延时条件下煤尘爆炸火焰的形态特征和传播规律.结合实验结果与数值模拟,分析了煤尘的扩散动力学特性.结果表明:煤尘的最小点火能随着点火延时的增加先减小、后增加;当点火延时为90 ms时,煤尘最小点火能达到最低,为244 mJ;在点火能量1 280 mJ条件下,点火延时为90 ms时,火焰最明亮,呈蘑菇云状态,前锋面高度最高.实验结果与模拟结果证明,点火延时90 ms附近,煤尘分散较好.

There is an undeniable safety hazard of coal dust explosion in the coal processing process.Ignition ex-periment of lignite dust under different ignition delay times was carried out using a Hartmann tube device,and the ignition critical characteristics of coal dust were studied.Based on the variation characteristics of the minimum ignition energy,the morphological features and propagation laws of flame caused by coal dust explosion under different ignition delay times were explored.The diffusion dynamic characteristics of coal dust were analyzed by combining experimental results with numerical simulations.The results show that the minimum ignition energy of coal dust decreases first and then increases with the in-crease of ignition delay time.When the ignition delay time is 90 ms,the minimum ignition energy of coal dust reaches 244 mJ.At an ignition energy of 1 280 mJ and an ignition delay time of 90 ms,the flame reaches its peak brightness,manifes-ting as a mushroom cloud with the highest flame front.The experimental and simulation results demonstrate that the dust dispersion is good around an ignition delay time of 90 ms.


中北大学环境与安全工程学院(山西 太原,030051)中北大学环境与安全工程学院(山西 太原,030051)中北大学环境与安全工程学院(山西 太原,030051)中北大学环境与安全工程学院(山西 太原,030051)中北大学环境与安全工程学院(山西 太原,030051)



ignition delay timeignition energycoal dust explosionflame propagationnumerical simulation

《爆破器材》 2025 (1)



