A Primer Powder of Digital Electronic Detonators Used in Seismic Exploration
研发了一种用于地震勘探的数码电子雷管引火药.该引火药由2 种药剂以及各种添加剂通过掺杂工艺优化配比、鼓混而成,在发火电阻的弱能量刺激下能够快速、可靠地点燃,从而使另一种药剂快速反应形成爆轰,实现雷管作用时间的微秒级延期.结果表明:采用掺杂工艺,通过优化鼓混时间和增加消泡剂的质量,制得了引火药剂,并装配成雷管,起爆后测得雷管作用时间可满足最大延时≤250 μs、极差≤80 μs的要求.
A primer powder of digital electronic detonatorsuesd in seismic exploration was developed.It is made by optimizing the ratio and mixing of two types of agents and various additives through doping process.It can be quickly and reliably ignited under the weak energy stimulation of the ignition resistor,thereby causing another agent to react quickly and form a detonation,achieving a microsecond delay in the action time of the detonator.The results show that,by using doping technology,optimizing the mixing time and increasing the defoamers,the primer powder was prepared and assembled into detonators.After detonation,the action time of detonators meets the requirements of the maximum delay time not exceeding 250 μs and the range not exceeding 80 μs.
山西壶化集团股份有限公司(山西 长治,046000)
seismic explorationprimer powderhybrid technologymicrosecond delay
《爆破器材》 2025 (1)