

Day-Ahead Operational Strategy for Virtual Power Plant Considering Green Certificate Classification in Coupled Market


为进一步规范绿证核发与交易,国家能源局颁布的新政策规定对上网可再生能源电量核发可交易绿证,自发自用可再生能源电量核发不可交易绿证.两类绿证均可进行碳排放抵扣.鉴于此,为充分发挥两类绿证对虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)经济性与绿色低碳性的提升作用,在VPP日前运行策略构建中实现了VPP的绿证交易与碳排放抵扣.首先,基于VPP可再生能源发电部分的"自发自用,余电上网"模式,考虑电储能对可再生/非可再生能源电量的充放策略,计算VPP两类绿证所对应电量.其次,提出绿证的碳排放抵扣方法,计算两类绿证下的VPP碳排放抵扣量总和.然后,以电-碳-绿证耦合市场下的总收益最大化为目标,构建耦合市场下VPP最优日前运行策略模型.算例表明:通过新政策下的碳-绿证联合交易,所提方法提升了VPP的经济性与新能源消纳能力,进一步推动了能源系统的整体碳减排.

To normalize the issuance and trading of green certificates,the National Energy Administration(NEA)recently introduced a new policy.This policy mandates issuing tradable and nontradable green certificates for on-grid renewable energy electricity and spontaneous self-use renewable energy electricity,respectively.Although green certificates contribute in offsetting carbon emissions,maximizing the economic and environmentally friendly aspects of virtual power plants(VPPs)is important.This study proposes an approach to implement both green certificate trading and carbon emissions offsetting in the development of day-ahead operational strategy of the VPP.First,the electricity associated with tradable and nontradable green certificates of the VPP is quantified based on the"use what is generated,and the excess on the grid"mode of renewable energy generation in the VPP.The charging-discharging strategy in electricity storage for the renewable and non-renewable energy electricity is also considered.Second,a method for offsetting carbon emissions using green certificates is proposed,and the total amount of carbon emissions offset by the VPP under the two types of green certificates is calculated.Third,an optimal day-ahead operational strategy model of the VPP under the electricity-carbon-green certificate coupled market is developed to maximize the total revenue in the coupled market.This study demonstrates that the proposed approach enhances the financial performance of the VPP and boosts its renewable energy consumption capacity by engaging in carbon-green certificate trading under the new policy.Moreover,this approach contributes to an overall reduction in carbon emissions within the energy system.


广西电力系统最优化与节能技术重点实验室(广西大学),南宁市 530004||广西大学电气工程学院,南宁市 530004广西电力系统最优化与节能技术重点实验室(广西大学),南宁市 530004||广西大学电气工程学院,南宁市 530004国网台州供电公司,浙江省 台州市 318000



virtual power plant(VPP)green certificate tradingcarbon tradingcarbon emissions offset for green certificatesoptimal scheduling

《电力建设》 2025 (1)


This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52367003)and Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi(No.2021GXNSFAA220042). 国家自然科学基金项目(52367003)广西自然科学基金项目(2021GXNSFAA220042)

