Development of temperature sensor for UHF implantable RFID chips
基于0.18 μm工艺设计并实现了一款用于超高频植入式RFID芯片的温度传感器.该温度传感器将MOS管作为感温元件,采用基于亚阈值MOS管的低功耗感温核心.传感器利用PTAT和CTAT两种电压延时器构成脉宽产生电路,从而生成脉宽信号,并与时间数字转换器(TDC)一起构成温度量化电路.核心电路的版图面积为298 μm×261μm,测温范围为35~45 ℃.流片测试结果表明,三颗芯片在两点校准后的测温最大误差为±0.4 ℃,关键温区的最大误差为±0.2 ℃,实测功耗为623 nW.基于流片实测结果,发现了当前芯片的局限性,并提出了未来芯片结构的改进方向.
In this work,a temperature sensor designed for UHF implantable RFID chips is implemented using a 0.18 μm process.The sensor employs MOS transistors as the temperature-sensing elements,with the core design based on a low-power temperature sensing circuit using subthreshold MOS transistors.The sensor utilizes Proportional To Absolute Temperature(PTAT)and Complementary To Absolute Temperature(CTAT)voltage delay generators to form a pulse width generation circuit,which produces pulse width signals that are quantified by a Time-to-Digital Converter(TDC).The core circuit layout area is 298 μm ×261 μm,with a temperature meas-urement range of 35~45℃.Tape-out testing results indicated that,after two-point calibration,the maximum temperature measure-ment error across three chips was±0.4 ℃,with a maximum error of±0.2 ℃ in critical temperature ranges.The measured power consumption was 623 nW.Based on the tape-out results,the current chip's limitations were identified,and directions for future chip structure iterations were proposed.
北京工商大学计算机与人工智能学院,北京 100048中国科学院半导体研究所人工智能与高速电路实验室,北京 100083||中国科学院大学集成电路学院,北京 100049北京工商大学计算机与人工智能学院,北京 100048
RFID chiptemperature sensorTDCsubthreshold
《集成电路与嵌入式系统》 2025 (1)