Ecological Mechanisms of Carbon Sinks in Soil and Water Conservation
陆地生态系统碳库并非永久性封存,而是高度依赖于外部环境条件的变化,在排放、平衡、吸存之间切换.水土流失治理措施能有效调节项目区的碳汇能力.通过从外源增汇、内源增汇和减蚀减排等3 个方面分析水土保持碳汇的生态学机制,发现水土保持措施不仅能够促进土壤矿物碳泵和土壤微生物碳泵的协同效应,还可以解除单株植被的限制因子,实现生态系统新平衡,减少土壤侵蚀和碳排放,提升碳汇能力.研究细化不同区域、不同类型水土保持措施的保土保碳、减蚀减排和增绿增汇效益,为构建碳汇水土保持项目或水土保持负碳技术提供技术支撑.
The carbon pool of terrestrial ecosystems is not permanently stored,but highly de-pendent on changes in external environmental conditions.Soil erosion control measures can effec-tively regulate the carbon sequestration capacity in project areas.This study analyzes the ecological mechanisms of carbon sinks in soil and water conservation from three aspects:external carbon addi-tion,internal carbon addition,and erosion and emission reduction.The findings show that soil and water conservation measures can promote the synergistic effects of soil mineral and microbial carbon pumps,alleviate limiting factors on individual vegetation,achieve a new ecological balance,re-duce soil erosion,lower carbon emissions,and enhance carbon sequestration capacity.This re-search further refines the analysis of the benefits of soil and water conservation measures in various regions and types,focusing on soil conservation,carbon sequestration,erosion reduction,emis-sion reduction,and increased greening and carbon sink capacity.It provides technical support for the development of carbon sink-based soil and water conservation projects or negative-carbon soil and water conservation technologies.
福建教育学院文科研修部,福建 福州 350001||福建师范大学地理研究所,福建 福州 350117水利部水土保持监测中心,北京 100053水利部水土保持监测中心,北京 100053||中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,陕西 杨凌 712100福建省水土保持试验站,福建 福州 350003福建省水土保持试验站,福建 福州 350003福建师范大学地理研究所,福建 福州 350117||水利部水土保持监测中心,北京 100053
soil and water conservationcarbon sinkssoilcarbon pumpssynergistic effectsecological mechanisms
《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2025 (1)