How does knowledge coupling of parent-subsidiary increase the organizational intelligence of the subsidiary?A moderated serial mediation model
Organizational intelligence is the antidote to"collective stupidity".If an enterprise cannot fully use its organizational intelligence,it cannot effectively give full play to all its competitive advantages.Even if there are a lot of internal experts,its development is likely to be hindered.Organizational intelligence is defined as an organizational capability of collecting external information,adapting to external changes in the environment,exploring the market,optimizing techniques,and converting customer requirements into product ability eventually,which reflects the operation of knowledge and experience from the organization in the—44—complex environment,mainly in processing information,decision-making and implementing decisions quickly and efficiently.It is a state in which an organization makes effective use of collective brain power in a planned way and operates consciously and actively,and is a prerequisite for the long-term development of the organization.The development of organizational intelligence is closely dependent on the knowledge management process.According to the knowledge collaboration theory,the interaction and association between different subjects in knowledge and resource allocation is an important process for the development of knowledge collaboration and the improvement of business performance,which can be realized through knowledge coupling.Based on the group network relationship established by the parent company,the development of the subsidiary cannot be separated from the parent company.The subsidiary needs to integrate and reconstruct the knowledge from the parent company to better carry out production and operation activities,that is,to carry out knowledge coupling with the parent company.Since the subsidiary has independent operation rights and their businesses are often dispersed,how to obtain knowledge support from the parent company through knowledge coupling to achieve knowledge systematization and further improve the organizational intelligence of the subsidiary through knowledge coupling is a key issue that needs to be paid attention to in the development of the enterprise group. Knowledge coupling with the parent company provides sufficient knowledge resource support for the innovation process of subsidiaries,helps them improve the quality of decision-making and achieves performance goals.Organizational innovation is an important driving force to improve organizational efficiency,among which management innovation and technology innovation are two key innovation capabilities that cannot be ignored.On the one hand,from the perspective of management innovation,organizational routine is just like enterprise gene.The organizational routine updating makes organizational routine always match with the external environment,which is conducive to improving organizational adaptability and promoting organizational change in an uncertain environment.Organizational learning can promote organizational routine updating,so as the focus of organizational learning,knowledge resources can help to improve organizational routine.On the other hand,from the perspective of technological innovation,due to the intensification of market competition,iterative innovation can give organizations the ability to respond quickly to technological shocks and knowledge changes as an agile micro-innovation mode.A strong knowledge base underpins an organization's trial-and-error process,driving innovative learning that allows it to iterate and bring innovative products to market.Therefore,what roles do organizational routine updating and iterative innovation play in the process of knowledge coupling affecting organizational intelligence?In addition,according to the network embedding theory,the subsidiary has the characteristic of dual network embedding,which is simultaneously embedded in the external network composed of local stakeholders and the internal network composed of the parent company and other subsidiaries.Can this embedding situation play a role in the process of knowledge coupling affecting the organizational intelligence of the subsidiary? Focused on the core issue of"How to improve the subsidiary's IQ?"based on knowledge collaboration theory and network embedding theory,this paper incorporated organizational intelligence,knowledge coupling,organizational routine updating,iterative innovation and dual network embedding into a research framework,and constructed a moderated serial mediation model to explore the mechanism of knowledge coupling of parent-subsidiary influencing the organizational IQ of the subsidiary.This research used the questionnaire as the main method,the subsidiaries from the enterprise group were selected as the research objects,and all the sample data was collected through senior,middle and grassroots managers and core employees in the subsidiaries.Eventually,four hundred and ninety-six valid samples were collected to test the hypotheses.The results show that the subsidiary's organizational IQ is significantly improved through knowledge coupling with the parent company.Specifically,both alternative knowledge coupling and complementary knowledge coupling have significant positive effects on the subsidiary's organizational IQ.The organizational routine updating and iterative innovation play a serial mediating role in the main effects,forming a path of"knowledge coupling-organizational routine updating-iterative innovation-organizational intelligence".Dual network embedding plays a differentiated moderating role in the process,external embedding plays a negative moderating role in the process of knowledge coupling affecting the organizational routine updating,while internal embedding plays a positive moderating role in the process of knowledge coupling affecting the iterative innovation.The research is carried out based on the relationship between parent and subsidiary companies under the enterprise group and provides suggestions for the subsidiaries to improve their organizational IQ from the perspective of knowledge coupling,which is conducive to the growth and long-term development of the subsidiaries and further promote the performance improvement of the whole enterprise group.
中国人民大学 商学院,北京 100872太原理工大学 经济管理学院,太原 030024
Organizational intelligenceKnowledge couplingOrganizational routine updatingIterative innovationDual network embeddedness
《管理工程学报》 2025 (1)
北京市社会科学基金重点项目(22GLA010) The Key Project of Social Science Foundation of Beijing(22GLA010)