The more emotion,the better?The two-way effects of live streamers'emotion appeal in live streaming commerce
情感诉求是直播商务中广受主播和商家追捧的营销策略,然而鉴于情感对于个体行为决策影响的复杂性,因此主播情感诉求对消费者购买行为的影响结果和机理尚不明确.为解决这一问题,本文通过真实直播商务数据和行为实验结合的方式构建了主播情感双重影响模型.研究一获取了 3 万余条分钟级主播语言内容以及真实购买行为数据,运用文本情感挖掘和计量模型的方法,分析了直播商务中主播情感与消费行为之间的关系,结果发现情感与营销效果并非呈正线性关系,而是呈"倒U型"关系.为进一步探究非线性关系产生的内在机制,研究二运用行为学实验的方法,再次验证主播情感对消费者购买意愿的非线性影响,并进一步探讨情感如何通过积极和消极双重力量影响消费者购买.研究发现,主播情感诉求一方面会带来积极影响,即有利于消费者对主播态度的提升,进而带来高购买意愿;另一方面主播情感诉求也会带来消极影响,即不利于消费者对产品的信息识别,进而负向影响其购买意愿.进一步地,研究发现这一双重影响会受到产品类型的调节:对于享乐型产品,主播情感诉求带来的负向影响不再显著,但对实用型产品而言,情感诉求的双重影响依旧显著.
Live streaming commerce,as a new commercial format that balances entertainment and consumption,is exploding in popularity in recent years.In live streaming commerce,streamers play a key role in helping brands to deliver comprehensive product information,as well as helping consumers get a more realistic feel for the product and facilitating purchase behavior.Emotional appeals is a way in which persuaders use emotions to influence the emotions of others during the persuasion process and thereby change their attitudes and behavior.Emotional appeal is widely used by live streamers and enterprises as a marketing strategy in live streaming commerce.Compared to previous e-commerce marketing,the influence of streamers'emotions on consumer behavior in live commerce is more significant.In order to attract viewers,more and more streamers tend to use highly concentrated or even exaggerated emotional persuasion.However,in live commerce practice,we often see a situation where the streamer has a rousing emotion,while the audience is unmoved and sales are dismal.At the same time,evidence from the theoretical level suggests that although effective emotion persuasion strategies can have a significant impact on individual attitudes,cognition,and decision-making,the direction and effects are complex and difficult to determine directly.Based on the above background,in this study,we want to explore one critical question:does high emotion appeal yield a better marketing effect?To address these questions,this paper uses a combination of real live commerce data and behavioral experiments to investigate the impact of streamers'emotions on consumer behavior in live streaming,both in terms of the outcome and the mechanism of influence. Two studies are conducted in this paper:Study 1 explores the relationship between emotion and purchases through real live commerce data.Specifically,study 1 recorded videos of the live commerce process and transformed them into textual content,and calculate the streamer's emotion in the text.We also capture real consumer purchase data at the minute level to reflect the effectiveness of the marketing.Using text sentiment analysis and negative binomial regression,we found that the relationship between emotion and sales effect is not a positive linear relationship but an inverted U-shaped relationship. To further explore the internal mechanism of this nonlinear relationship,the second study uses behavioral experiments and structural equation methods(SEM)to explore the dual impact of emotional appeal on consumer cognition and attitude and its boundary effect in live marketing.The results reaffirm the inverted U-shaped relationship between perceived streamer emotion and consumer purchase intentions.Besides,the results show that the use of emotional appeal has a positive impact on Consumers'attitudes towards live streamers,thus improving purchase intention.However,the overuse of emotional appeal has a negative impact on consumers'products information recognition.Furthermore,the study investigates the differences in live streaming emotional appeal effects between two product types(Hedonic products vs.Practical products).Compared to practical products,the negative impact of emotional appeal is no longer significant for hedonic products. This study makes three contributions:firstly,it enriches the theoretical research on streamer strategies in live commerce.The linguistic content of the streamer is key to the success of live commerce,and streamer emotion has a crucial impact on consumer behavior.This study deepens the theory of the influence of streamer language content on consumer behavior in live commerce.Secondly,the study uses real data to validate the relationship between the emotions of live streamers and consumer purchase behavior,It remedies the limitations of existing research in the field of emotional marketing effectiveness,which is mostly based on questionnaires and lacks theoretical research based on real data for validation.Finally,it investigates the dual influence and boundaries of live streamer emotion appeal on consumers'purchasing behavior and willingness,enriching the relevant theories on emotional appeal.
南京农业大学,经济管理学院,南京 210014西南交通大学,经济管学院,成都 610036西南交通大学,经济管学院,成都 610036西南交通大学,经济管学院,成都 610036
live streaming commercelive streamer emotionproduct information recognitionConsumers'attitudes towards livestreamerspurchase intention
《管理工程学报》 2025 (1)
国家自然科学基金项目(72172129) The National Natural Science Foundation of China(72172129)