Advances in micro-and meso-scale research methods for liner/propellant adhesive interfaces
The weak bonding interface between the liner and the propellant is one of the critical factors leading to solid rocket failure.Studying this interface at the microscale is crucial for revealing bonding mechanisms and failure modes.In this paper,some research methods for the liner/propellant bonding interface at the microscale were systematically reviewed,focusing on recent ad-vances in the microscale morphology,chemical composition,and mechanical properties of the interface.Existing microscale re-search methods can effectively reveal the failure damage mechanisms,analyzing bonding diffusion behavior,and identifying transi-tion regions at the interface.However,these methods still have some limitations in terms of detection accuracy and the correlation with macroscopic performance.Future research directions was prospected,including the integration of multiple microscale character-ization techniques to enhance detection precision and strengthening the cross-validation between microscale structures and macro-scopic performance,so as to provide important reference for a deeper understanding of the liner bonding mechanisms and the rela-tionship between the microscale interface and macroscopic performance.
湖北航天化学技术研究所,襄阳 441003||航天化学动力技术重点实验室,襄阳 441003湖北航天化学技术研究所,襄阳 441003||航天化学动力技术重点实验室,襄阳 441003湖北航天化学技术研究所,襄阳 441003||航天化学动力技术重点实验室,襄阳 441003湖北航天化学技术研究所,襄阳 441003||航天化学动力技术重点实验室,襄阳 441003湖北航天化学技术研究所,襄阳 441003||航天化学动力技术重点实验室,襄阳 441003湖北航天化学技术研究所,襄阳 441003||航天化学动力技术重点实验室,襄阳 441003
solid rocket propellantlineradhesive interfacemicroscopic characterization
《固体火箭技术》 2024 (6)