

Creep failure of four-component HTPB propellant for various thermal aging conditions


为研究某四组元端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)推进剂的贮存蠕变特性,开展 70℃下高温加速老化试验,对不同热老化状态的四组元HTPB推进剂进行 0.3~0.6 MPa应力下单向拉伸蠕变试验;拟合了推进剂恒温定应力蠕变本构方程的相关参数,采用ABAQUS有限元软件对推进剂蠕变行为进行数值模拟,并提取推进剂试件中段平均蠕变结果与试验数据进行对比验证;利用微CT技术结合Python语言建立四组元HTPB推进剂的三维高保真细观模型,并利用蠕变本构方程对其进行数值模拟.结果表明,四组元HTPB推进剂在蠕变过程中表现为不同的力学阶段,随着老化时间的增加,推进剂的最大抗拉强度逐渐增强,最大伸长率和断裂伸长率逐渐下降,分别降低了 62.39%和 57.26%;幂律型蠕变本构方程对四组元HTPB推进剂蠕变失效分析的拟合度达到 0.93 以上,能够准确描述推进剂在不同热老化状态下的蠕变失效行为;四组元HTPB推进剂的拉伸损伤与其承受的应力水平和老化程度具有正相关性,同时发现黏合剂基体的应力集中分布在与AP颗粒接触区域,基体与颗粒的脱粘将从AP颗粒开始演化.

To study the storage creep characteristics of a four-component HTPB propellant,high-temperature accelerated aging tests were carried out at 70℃.Subsequently,uniaxial tensile creep tests were conducted on the aged HTPB propellant under stresses of 0.3~0.6 MPa.The parameters of the propellant's isothermal constant-stress creep constitutive equation were fitted,and the creep behavior of the propellant dumbbell-type specimen was numerically simulated by using the ABAQUS finite element software,and the average creep results in the middle section of the propellant specimen were extracted and compared with the experimental data for verification.The three-dimensional high-fidelity microscale models of four-component HTPB propellants were constructed by means of micro-CT technology in conjunction with the Python programming language to construct.The creep constitutive equation was em-ployed to perform numerical simulations on the propellant.The results show that the four-component HTPB propellant exhibits differ-ent mechanical stages during the creep process.As the aging time increases,the maximum tensile strength of the propellant gradually increases,while the maximum elongation and fracture elongation rates decrease by 62.39%and 57.26%,respectively.The power-law creep constitutive equation has a fitting degree of over 0.93 for the creep failure analysis of the four-component HTPB propellant,ac-curately describing the creep failure behavior of the propellant under various thermal aging conditions.The tensile damage of the four-component HTPB propellant is positively correlated with the stress level and the degree of aging it undergoes.It has also been observed that the stress concentration in the binder matrix is distributed in the areas in contact with the AP particles,and the debonding between the matrix and particles will evolve starting from the AP particles.


郑州航空工业管理学院 航空发动机学院,郑州 450046郑州航空工业管理学院 航空发动机学院,郑州 450046火箭军工程大学 智剑实验室,西安 710025西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,西安 710072郑州航空工业管理学院 航空发动机学院,郑州 450046


HTPB propellantlong-term storageconstitutive modelcreep analysismulti-scale simulation

《固体火箭技术》 2024 (6)



