

Life cycle assessments of the integrated model for collection,transportation and disposal of food wastes:A case study of Tianjin city


在我国生活垃圾分类和"无废城市"建设持续推进背景下,餐厨垃圾收运与处置利用一体化成为了城市固废资源化产业链的重要环节.本研究以天津市为例,利用地理信息系统(ArcGIS)空间分析天津市餐饮垃圾产排特征,通过实地调研获得收运方式信息并归纳出4条处理技术路线,分别是高温发酵、焚烧发电、单独厌氧以及协同厌氧,并采用生命周期评价方法(LCA)选取6种影响类型为评价指标对餐厨垃圾收运及处置一体化模式进行了环境影响评价.结果显示,4条技术路线均具有环境效益,净环境影响潜力由低到高分别是高温发酵路线(-0.030 8)、协同厌氧路线(-0.029 9)、单独厌氧路线(-0.024 5)、焚烧发电路线(-0.005 7).敏感性分析表明,提高餐厨垃圾提油率,减少收运距离均能降低环境影响潜力,优化三相分离技术提高提油率是一种更加可行高效的方式.

Under the background of the continuous promotion of garbage classification and the construction of"zero-free city"in China,the integration of collection,transportation,disposal and utilization for food wastes has become an important link in the industry chain of urban solid waste recycling.Taking Tianjin City as an example,this study used Geographic information System(ArcGIS)to analyze the characteristics of food wastes production and discharge in Tianjin City,obtained the information of collection and transportation mode through field investigation,and summarized four treatment technical routes,which are high-temperature fermentation,incineration power generation,anaerobic and co-anaerobic digestion.Life cycle assessment(LCA)was used to evaluate the environmental impacts of the integrated mode of collection,transportation and disposal for food wastes.The results indicated that all four routes had environmental benefits,and the value of net environmental impact potential from low to high were high-temperature fermentation route(-0.030 8),co-anaerobic route(-0.029 9),mono-anaerobic route(-0.024 5)and incineration route(-0.005 7),respectively.The sensitivity analysis indicatesd that increasing the oil extraction rate from food wastes and reducing the transportation distance could both reduce the environmental impact potential.Besides,optimizing the three-phase separation technology to enhance the oil extraction rate is identified as a more feasible and efficient approach to reduce the environmental impact potential.


常州大学环境科学与工程学院,常州 213164||常州大学城乡矿山研究院,常州 213164常州大学环境科学与工程学院,常州 213164||常州大学城乡矿山研究院,常州 213164||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,常州 213164常州大学城乡矿山研究院,常州 213164||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,常州 213164常州大学环境科学与工程学院,常州 213164||常州大学城乡矿山研究院,常州 213164||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,常州 213164常州大学环境科学与工程学院,常州 213164||常州大学城乡矿山研究院,常州 213164||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,常州 213164常州大学城乡矿山研究院,常州 213164||常州市生物质绿色安全高值利用技术重点实验室,常州 213164||中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510651



life cycle assessmentfood wasteenvironmental impactsensitivity analysis

《环境工程学报》 2024 (11)



