Construction of self-assembled graphene oxide/polyelectrolyte multilayers film for application in heavy metal enrichment and detection:In-situ QCM-D experiment
土壤-地下水污染威胁用水安全和人民健康.石英晶体微天平(QCM)可发展为土壤-地下水污染的现场快速评估技术.本研究构建了氧化石墨烯(GO)/聚电解质自组装膜改性QCM传感芯片,以提高电极选择性和灵敏度,并探究溶液离子强度和pH对重金属富集的影响.聚乙烯亚胺(PEI)和羧甲基壳聚糖(CMC)是2种水溶性高分子聚电解质,可利用其分子间静电引力层层自组装构建多层聚电解质膜,并通过QCM的频率-耗散曲线实时检测组装过程中膜质量和粘弹性的变化.研究发现在自组装过程中膜质量随组装层数呈"指数型"增加,而膜粘弹性却呈现"振荡型"变化,表明膜构象发生交替变化.带正电的PEI表面比带负电的CMC表面更利于GO负载,且负载量随膜层数增加而增加.利用电子显微镜和原子力显微镜观察到GO的沉积方式包括平面单层沉积和多向多层沉积,且膜表面呈现卷曲粗糙的形貌特征.聚电解质膜层数影响Cu2+的吸附容量,其中GO负载的三层聚电解质自组装膜(GO-PEI/CMC/PEI)吸附容量最高,但需更长时间达到吸附平衡,80 min仍无法平衡.GO-PEI/CMC/PEI对低浓度Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+都具有较好的富集效果.Cu2+的结合方式包括通过静电引力形成的可逆吸附和通过配位络合形成的不可逆吸附,且随离子强度增加,配位络合逐渐占主导.溶液pH降低导致膜内分子所带正电荷增加,可能通过静电斥力造成多层膜溶胀而暴露更多结合位点,从而增加Cu2+的富集量.本研究结果表明GO/聚电解质自组装膜改性芯片可提高对重金属离子的富集效果,但会受溶液离子强度和pH的影响.基于改性QCM传感芯片对污染物的富集检测需考虑溶液理化性质的影响.本研究为进一步发展QCM芯片用于原位重金属污染浓度快速检测提供有力支撑.
Soil and groundwater pollution threats to water safety and people's health.The quartz crystal microbalance(QCM)can be used to build a technique for quick,in situ evaluation of contaminants in the soil-groundwater system.This study created self-assembled graphene oxide-polyelectrolyte multilayers coated on QCM sensors to improve their sensitivity and selectivity,as well as investigating the effects of ionic strength and pH on the heavy metal adsorption.Polyelectrolyte multilayers were fabricated by electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly of polyethyleneimine(PEI)and carboxymethyl Chitosan(CMC),two water-soluble polymers,and the mass and viscoelasticity real-time dynamics during multilayers growth can be detected based on frequency and dissipation monitoring using QCM.The film mass increased exponentially,whereas the film viscoelasticity varied in an"oscillation mode,"indicating that the conformation alternated throughout multilayers creation.GO was built on the membrane surface to boost heavy metal ion adsorption capability and multilayers stability.It was discovered that the positively charged PEI surface was more favorable to GO assembly than the negatively charged CMC surface,and GO deposition increased with the number of membrane layers.GO deposited on the surface of polyelectrolyte multilayers as monolayer flakes in a flat orientation and multilayer flakes in numerous orientations,displaying a cross-linked rough surface as shown by scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope.Cu2+adsorption capacity was impacted by membrane layers.While the 3-layer(GO-PEI/CMC/PEI)had the largest enrichment capacity,it required a longer equilibrium period and cannot achieve adsorption equilibrium within 80 min.The GO-PEI/CMC/PEI film had an effective enrichment effect on different concentrations of Cu2+,Zn2+,and Cd2+respectively.Cu2+might form reversible adsorption by electrostatic attraction and irreversible adsorption via complexation,with the latter dominating as ionic strength increases.A reduction in pH could lead to the swelling of multilayers due to enhances the electrostatic repulsion between molecules,raising the number of adsorption sites and Cu2+adsorption capabilities in the multilayers.The findings of this study demonstrated that GO-polyelectrolyte multilayers coating could improve the heavy metal ion adsorption capacity of QCM sensors.however,it could also be affected by ionic strength and pH,and the influence of solution properties should be taken into consideration in pollutant enrichment-detection based on modified QCM sensor chips.
中国科学院大学南京学院资源环境与地球科学学院,南京 211135||中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 211135中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 211135中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 211135中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京 211135
viscoelasticityQCMsensorpolyelectrolyte multilayersCu2+self-assemble
《环境工程学报》 2024 (11)