

Influence of waste sorting on lifecycle carbon emission characteristics in kitchen and other wastes treatment system:A case study of Shanghai


垃圾分类制度的推行,实现了湿垃圾(厨余垃圾)从混合垃圾中的分出,垃圾产生特征与流向随之发生变化,进而对后续处理过程环境表现带来影响.针对受分类制度影响最大的干、湿垃圾组分,基于生命周期思想提出了碳排放量核算方法,并以垃圾分类典型城市上海市为例,探究分类前后混合垃圾与分类垃圾处理的生命周期碳排放特征.结果显示,随着垃圾分类制度的实施,干湿垃圾处理系统整体碳排放量明显下降,减排程度受干湿垃圾分出水平和垃圾组分变化影响.对比垃圾分类前后单位垃圾处理碳排放量发现,排放量由分类前的300.4 kgCO2eq·t-1降至分类后的200.3~244.1 kgCO2eq·t-1,最多降低了 33.3%.从碳排放来源来看,垃圾焚烧带来碳排放量贡献最大,其中又以焚烧直接碳排放占比最大.相比之下,湿垃圾处理总体排放强度较小,厌氧消化残渣处理方式是影响湿垃圾处理碳排放的关键.综合来看,湿垃圾的有效分出和低碳化处理是干湿垃圾处理系统碳排放量降低的关键.对干湿垃圾资源化处理工艺开展减排潜力分析发现,综合采用干垃圾焚烧热电联产和湿垃圾残渣作土壤改良剂可进一步实现碳减排.

The implementation of waste sorting regulations has resulted in the separation of kitchen waste from mixed waste,leading to changes in waste characteristics and flow patterns,which in turn affect the environmental performance of subsequent treatment processes.This study proposed a set of carbon emission quantification methods based on life cycle assessment principles,particularly focusing on the treatment processes of kitchen waste and other waste fractions most significantly influenced by waste sorting systems.Taking Shanghai,a paradigmatic city for waste sorting practices,as an illustrative case,the research comparatively analyzed the lifecycle carbon emission characteristics at various stages within waste treatment processes before and after the implementation of waste sorting regulations.The results demonstrated a significant decrease in the overall carbon emissions of the kitchen waste and other waste treatment systems with the implementation of the waste sorting systems.The extent of emission reduction was to some extent influenced by the efficiency of separating kitchen waste from other waste as well as changes in the composition of waste materials.Comparing the unit carbon emissions per ton of waste processed before and after waste sorting,it was found that the carbon emissions decreased from 300.4 kgCO2eq·t-1 prior to sorting to a range of 200.3 to 244.1 kgCO2eq·t-1 post-sorting,resulting in a maximum reduction of up to 33.3%.In terms of carbon emission sources,incineration of waste contributes the most to carbon emissions,and among these incineration-related emissions,direct carbon emissions during combustion accounted for the largest proportion.In comparison,the smaller emission intensity from kitchen waste treatment was notably influenced by how the anaerobic digestion residue derived from this process is managed.Overall,the effective separation and low-carbon treatment of kitchen waste were key to reducing carbon emissions in the kitchen and other waste management system.Analyzing the potential for emission reduction in kitchen and other waste treatment processes,it was found that combining other waste incineration for heat and power with using kitchen waste residues as soil amendments can lead to further carbon emissions reductions.


上海第二工业大学资源与环境工程学院,上海 201209上海第二工业大学资源与环境工程学院,上海 201209||上海电子废弃物资源化协同创新中心,上海 201209上海环境集团股份有限公司,上海,200120||上海环境卫生工程设计院有限公司,上海,200232上海环境卫生工程设计院有限公司,上海,200232上海第二工业大学资源与环境工程学院,上海 201209



waste sortinglife cyclecarbon emissionsincinerationanaerobic digestion

《环境工程学报》 2024 (11)



