

Breeding of New Wheat Germplasms with Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight by Backcross Transformation Combined with Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection


为明确抗病基因型和回交代数对后代材料赤霉病抗性和农艺性状的影响,采用回交转育结合分子标记辅助选育的方法,将抗赤霉病主效基因Fhb1、Fhb2和Fhb7聚合到黄淮南部麦区大面积推广品种郑麦1860,并对不同基因型和不同回交世代材料的赤霉病抗性和主要农艺性状进行分析.结果发现,将抗赤霉病主效基因Fhb1、Fhb2和Fhb7导入黄淮南部麦区感赤霉病小麦品种郑麦1860,赤霉病抗性可提高38.9%~76.9%,且这3个抗赤霉病基因与高秆、低密度小穗、低千粒质量等不良农艺性状无明显的关联性.2个年度BC1F2、BC2F2、BC3F2 群体的病小穗率分别为37.8%、31.4%、37.8%和43.4%、45.8%、43.3%,赤霉病抗性不会随着回交代数的增加而降低.随着回交代数的增加,后代群体的株高由84.95 cm降低到 70.49 cm,结实小穗数由 20.48 个/穗增加到 21.24 个/穗,穗长由 10.23 cm增加到10.49 cm,千粒质量由37.36 g增加到44.80 g,回交3代群体的主要农艺性状趋同于抗赤霉病基因受体亲本材料.筛选获得抗赤霉病且综合农艺性状优良的新种质郑资2021CH182-33和郑资2021CH182-41,其可作为抗病亲本进一步加以利用.

In order to determine the effects of resistance genotypes and backcross times on Fusarium head blight(Fhb)resistance and agronomic traits of progeny materials,the main resistance genes Fhb1,Fhb2 and Fhb7 were pyramided in Zhengmai 1860,which was a widely planted variety in southern Huanghuai,by backcross transformation and molecular marker-assisted selection.The Fhb resistance and main agronomic traits of different genotypes and backcross generations were analyzed.The results showed that Fhb1,Fhb2 and Fhb7 could increase the Fhb resistance by 38.9%—76.9%,and there was no significant correlation between these three resistance genes and the bad agronomic traits such as high culm,low density spikelet and low thousand-grain weight.The percentage of scabbed spikelets of BC1F2,BC2F2,BC3F2 populations in two years were 37.8%,31.4%,37.8% and 43.4%,45.8% 43.3%,respectively.Fhb resistance did not decrease with the increase of backcross times.With the increase of backcross times,the plant height of the progeny population materials decreased from 84.95 cm to 70.49 cm,the number of fruiting spikelets per panicle increased from 20.48 to 21.24,the panicle length increased from 10.23 cm to 10.49 cm,and the thousand-grain weight increased from 37.36 g to 44.80 g.The main agronomic traits of the progeny population materials after three backcrosses were similar to those of the resistance gene receptor parent variety.The new germplasms Zhengzi2021CH182-33 and Zhengzi2021CH182-41 bred in this study with excellent comprehensive agronomic properties and Fhb resistance can be further used as disease-resistance parents.


河南省作物分子育种研究院/河南省小麦生物学重点实验室/神农种业实验室,河南 郑州 450002河南省作物分子育种研究院/河南省小麦生物学重点实验室/神农种业实验室,河南 郑州 450002河南省作物分子育种研究院/河南省小麦生物学重点实验室/神农种业实验室,河南 郑州 450002河南省作物分子育种研究院/河南省小麦生物学重点实验室/神农种业实验室,河南 郑州 450002河南省作物分子育种研究院/河南省小麦生物学重点实验室/神农种业实验室,河南 郑州 450002



WheatFusarium head blightBackcross transformationMolecular marker-assisted selectionGene pyramid

《河南农业科学》 2024 (12)



