

Effects of Different Mulching Methods on Soil Physicochemical Properties,Yield and Quality of Cigar Tobacco Leaves


为探明不同覆盖方式对海南植烟土壤理化性质及雪茄烟叶产质量的影响,以海研101为试材,设置不覆盖地膜(CK)、双色膜覆盖+移栽后30~35 d揭膜除草培土(G1)、双色膜覆盖+全生育期不揭膜(G2)、生物可降解膜覆盖+全生育期不揭膜(G3)和稻草覆盖(G4)5个处理,研究不同覆盖方式下植烟土壤的理化性状,雪茄烟主要生育时期农艺性状和发酵后烟叶的物理性状、化学成分、燃烧性和经济效益.结果表明,与CK相比,旺长期G3处理土壤温度显著提高7.12%,成熟期G4处理土壤温度显著提高10.01%,伸根期和团棵期G3处理土壤有效钾含量分别显著提高10.27%和8.13%.与CK相比,团棵期,G3处理雪茄烟叶SPAD值显著提高8.49%;旺长期G3处理雪茄烟株高显著提高13.10%,成熟期G3处理雪茄茎围、烟叶最大叶长和最大叶宽分别显著提高6.39%、8.09%和6.17%.雪茄烟叶经过发酵处理后,与CK相比,G3处理雪茄烟叶叶片厚度减少5.88%;烟叶产量、产值和经济效益均为最高,经济效益较CK显著增加46.70%.综上,在海南烟区采用生物可降解膜覆盖+全生育期不揭膜处理的土壤理化性质较好,雪茄烟叶物理性状较好,化学成分协调,燃烧性得到提升,经济效益最好.

To investigate the effects of different mulching models on the physicochemical properties of tobacco-planting soil,and the yield and quality of cigar tobacco leaves in Hainan,a field experiment using Haiyan 101 as the test material with five treatments including no mulch(CK),dual color film mulching and removed at 30-35 days after post-transplant(G1),dual color film covering throughout the whole growth period(G2),biodegradable film mulching within the whole growth period(G3),and crop straw incorporation(G4)was conducted.The change of physical and chemical properties of tobacco-planting soil under different mulching models was studied,and the regulation on agronomic traits of cigar tobacco during the main growth period,the physical characteristics,chemical properties and combustibility of leaves and the economic benefits were also explored.The results showed that compared with CK,the soil temperature under G3 significantly increased by 7.12% during the vigorous growth period,and that of G4 significantly increased by 10.01% at maturity.During root spreading period and cluster period,G3 improved the available potassium content by 10.27% and 8.13%,respectively.Compared to CK,the SPAD value in cluster period treated with G3 significantly increased by 8.49%,and the plant height significantly increased by 13.10% in vigorous growth period.At maturity,the stem circumference,maximum leaf length and width under G3 significantly increased by 6.39%,8.09% and 6.17% compared with CK,respectively.After fermentation,compared with CK,G3 reduced the leaf thickness by 5.88% .Among all treatments,G3 had the highest tobacco yield,output value,and economic benefits,with a significant increase of 46.70% in economic benefits compared to CK.In summary,biodegradable film mulching during whole growing period could improve the soil physicochemical properties,maintain well physical characteristic,coordinated chemical composition and good combustibility,and ultimately generate better economic benefits in Hainan tobacco-planting areas.


郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002中国烟草总公司海南省公司 海口雪茄研究所,海南 海口 571100郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002郑州轻工业大学 烟草科学与工程学院/烟草行业烟草工业生物技术重点实验室,河南 郑州 450002



CigarMulchingSoil physicochemical propertiesCombustibilityEconomic benefits

《河南农业科学》 2024 (12)



