Identification of TCP Transcription Factors in Artemisia annua and Analysis of Their Expression Patterns under MeJA Treatment
基于黄花蒿基因组数据对TCP基因家族成员进行鉴定,并对其蛋白质理化性质、进化关系、顺式作用元件等进行分析.利用转录组数据分析黄花蒿TCP(AaTCP)转录因子在不同光处理下的表达模式,并利用qRT-PCR检测其在茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)处理下的表达情况.结果表明,共鉴定出29个黄花蒿TCP基因(AaTCP).AaTCP在蛋白质理化性质上存在巨大差异,其中氨基酸数量和分子质量分别介于132~443个、14.60~47.86 ku,等电点、不稳定指数、脂肪系数分别介于5.67~9.99、33.28~69.77、51.70~77.40,且均为核蛋白.系统进化关系显示,AaTCP可被划分成Ⅰ类(11个)和Ⅱ类(18个),不均匀地分布在8条染色体上.AaTCP的Motif数量介于1~7,都含有1个保守的TCP2结构域,并且其启动子上存在大量的光、激素和胁迫响应元件.蛋白质互作预测结果显示,除AaTCP12和AaTCP8外,其余AaTCP蛋白成员之间存在紧密的互作关系.转录组数据表明,不同光处理下AaTCP的表达水平存在差异,大部分基因的表达均受光的诱导.qRT-PCR结果表明,不同AaTCP的表达量在MeJA处理下均有不同程度上升,随着处理时间的延长呈现出动态变化.综上,AaTCP基因家族在光调控及激素响应过程中发挥着重要作用.
Based on the genome data of Artemisia annua,the TCP gene family members were identified,and their protein physicochemical properties,evolutionary relationships,and cis-acting elements were analyzed.Transcriptome data were used to analyze the expression pattern of TCP transcription factors in Artemisia annua under different light treatments,and qRT-PCR was used to detect their expression under methyl jasmonate(MeJA)treatment.The results showed that a total of 29 TCP genes(AaTCPs)were identified.AaTCPs differed greatly in protein physicochemical properties,in which the number of amino acids and protein molecular mass ranged from 132 to 443 and 14.60 to 47.86 ku,respectively,and the isoelectric points,instability indices,and fat coefficients were in the ranges of 5.67 to 9.99,33.28 to 69.77,and 51.70 to 77.40,respectively,and all of them were nuclear proteins.Phylogenetic relationships showed that AaTCPs could be classified into class Ⅰ(11)and class Ⅱ(18),unevenly distributed on eight chromosomes.The Motif number of AaTCPs ranged from 1 to 7,all of them contained one conserved TCP2 structural domain,and a large number of light-,hormone-,and stress-responsive elements were present in their promoters.Protein interaction predictions revealed tight interactions among the protein members of AaTCPs except for AaTCP12 and AaTCP8.Transcriptome data showed that the expression levels of AaTCPs varied under different light treatments,and the expression of most genes was induced by light.qRT-PCR analysis revealed that the expression of AaTCPs all increased to different degrees under MeJA treatment,showing dynamic changes with the extension of treatment time.In summary,the AaTCP gene family plays a significant role in light regulation and hormone response processes.
浙江中医药大学 滨江学院,浙江 杭州 310053||浙江中医药大学 第一临床医学院,浙江 杭州 310053浙江中医药大学 基础医学院,浙江 杭州 310053
Artemisia annuaTCP transcription factorProtein interactionMethyl jasmonate
《河南农业科学》 2024 (12)