Analysis of Utilization Potential of Major Crop Straws and Livestock Manure in Jiangxi Province
分析江西省主要农作物秸秆、畜禽粪便的空间分布特征及其资源化利用潜能,为促进农业废弃物的有效利用提供参考.基于GIS的空间统计分析方法,估测江西省2021年各(市、区)主要农作物秸秆和畜禽粪便产生量及其资源化利用理论值,分析其空间分布格局及冷热点区域.结果表明,2021年江西省主要农作物秸秆可收集总量为2 386.82万t,秸秆种类以水稻秸秆为主,总体呈现北富南贫特点,主要集中在鄱阳湖平原北部,其理论上相当于1 133.74万t有机碳、22.70万t N、3.16万t P、42.08万tK、661.36万t标准煤或3.05×109 m3沼气.畜禽粪便年产生量为7 065.23万t,其中家禽粪便产生量最多,占畜禽粪便总量的40.27%,总体呈现南北贫、中部富特点,其理论上相当于974.63万t有机碳、48.70万tN、17.53万t P、31.59万t K、1 158.10万t标准煤或8.26×109 m3沼气.在99%置信度下农作物秸秆热点区域14个、畜禽粪便热点区域11个和秸秆-畜禽粪便双热点区域5个.作物秸秆产生热点区域应切合实际选择直接还田、五料化处理、菌菇养殖等适宜的利用方向,畜禽粪便产生热点区域应综合考虑发展沼气或就地还田循环利用方式,秸秆-畜禽粪便双热点区域则考虑多层次、多元化利用格局,优先考虑农牧结合,发展生态农业.
This paper analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics of major crop straws and livestock manure in Jiangxi Province and their resource utilization potential,in order to promote the effective use of agricultural waste.Based on the spatial statistical analysis method of GIS,this study estimated the amount of major crop straws and livestock manure generated and their theoretical values of resource utilization in each county(city,district)of Jiangxi Province in 2021,and analyzed their spatial distribution patterns and cold hotspot areas.The results showed that in 2021,the total amount of major crop straw which could be collected in Jiangxi Province was 23.868 2 million tons,and the straw type was mainly rice straw.It generally showed the characteristics of rich in the north and poor in the south,mainly concentrated in the northern part of Poyang Lake Plain,and its theoretical value was equivalent to 11.337 4 million tons of organic carbon,227 000 tons of N,31 600 tons of P,420 800 tons of K,6.613 6 million tons of standard coal or 3.05×109 m3 methane gas.The annual production of livestock manure was 70.652 3 million tons,of which poultry manure produced the most,accounting for 40.27% of the total amount of livestock manure.It generally presented a north-south poor,central rich characteristics,theoretically equivalent to 9.746 3 million tons of organic carbon,487 000 tons of N,175 300 tons of P,315 900 tons of K,11.581 million tons of standard coal,or 8.26×109 m3 methane gas.There were 14 hotspots for crop straw,11 hotspots for livestock manure,and 5 double hotspots for straw-livestock manure at 99% confidence level.Crop straw hotspots should realistically choose direct return to the field,basal material utilization,fertilizer utilization,energy utilization,feed utilization,raw material utilization,mushroom farming and other suitable utilization direction,livestock manure hotspots should comprehensively consider the development of biogas or way of on-site return to the field recycling,straw-livestock manure double hotspots should consider the multi-level,diversified utilization pattern,giving priority to the integration of agriculture and animal husbandry,and the development of eco-agriculture.
东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013东华理工大学 地球科学学院 旅游地学系,江西 南昌 330013
Crop strawsLivestock manureSpatial distributionResource utilization
《河南农业科学》 2024 (12)