

Risk prediction of type 2 diabetes patients retinopathy with limited drug mydriasis before vitrectomy


目的 研究旨在分析2型糖尿病性视网膜病变患者玻璃体切割术前药物性散瞳受限风险预测.方法 前瞻性系列病例研究.选取本院眼科确诊为2型糖尿病性视网膜病变的患者共计280例(280只眼),按照划分为对照组与研究组各140例(140只眼).两组患者均进行人口学特征调查、糖尿病并发症、散瞳受限原因分析等,研究组进行深入眼底评估以及风险因素调查.根据糖尿病风险分析情况,引入多因素Logistic回归分析方法,通过分析相关临床数据和患者特征,筛选与玻璃体切割术前药物性散瞳受限风险相关的因素,并构建风险预测模型.结果 经过回归分析筛选,研究发现糖尿病病程、糖化血红蛋白、身体质量指数等与患者玻璃体切割术前药物性散瞳受限存在相关性.预测模型结果显示,相对于对照组,加强眼底检查与相关风险因素研究,模型预测效果更准确.结论 通过相关风险因素的分析与构建,检验风险预测模型具有良好的实际应用效果,并根据预测结果进行有效护理,能提升患者治疗效果.研究技术为临床医生及护士提供决策依据,有助于提高患者的眼部手术安全性和治疗效果.

Objective To analyze the risk prediction of drug-induced mydriasis in patients with type 2 diabetes retinopathy before vitrectomy.Methods A prospective case series study.280 patients with type 2 diabetes retinopathy di-agnosed by the ophthalmology department of our hospital were selected,and divided into a reference group and a study group,with 140 patients in each group.Both groups of patients underwent tests for demographic characteristics,complica-tions,and dilated pupils,while the research group conducted in-depth fundus testing and risk factor surveys.According to the risk analysis of diabetes,the multivariate logistic regression analysis method was introduced to analyze the relevant clinical data and patient characteristics,screen the factors related to the risk of dilated pupil limitation before vitrectomy,and build a risk prediction model.Results After regression analysis screening,we found that age,disease duration,blood glucose control level,body mass index,etc.were correlated with the risk of before the vitrectomy mydriasis restric-tion in patients.The prediction model results showed that compared to the reference group,strengthening fundus examina-tion and related risk factor research resulted in a more accurate prediction effect of the model.Conclusions By analyzing and constructing relevant risk factors,it is verified that the risk prediction model has good practical application effect,and effective nursing can be carried out based on the prediction results,which can improve the treatment effect of patients.Re-search technology provides a decision-making basis for clinical doctors,which helps to improve the safety and treatment ef-fectiveness of eye surgery for patients.


210002 南京,东部战区总医院210002 南京,东部战区总医院210002 南京,东部战区总医院210002 南京,东部战区总医院210002 南京,东部战区总医院


Type 2 diabetesRetinopathyVitrectomyRisk prediction

《临床眼科杂志》 2024 (6)


