Numerical simulation study on the distribution of residual coal spontaneous combustion in goaf"three zones"and harmful gases
为探究采空区遗煤自燃"三带"分布及采空区内有害气体分布情况,利用"Fluent+UDF"对陕西韩家湾煤矿 213109 工作面采空区"三带"分布、流场特性开展数值模拟研究.采空区被认为是多孔介质,多孔介质孔隙度、多孔介质区域黏滞阻力和惯性阻力、遗煤氧化耗氧量、有害气体涌出量等参数通过用户自定义方程计算.研究结果表明:工作面及采空区遗煤可划分为散热带、氧化带、窒息带;以氧浓度0.07≤C≤0.18为氧化带指标时,从进风巷侧到回风巷侧,氧化带宽度由23 m扩大到40 m,最终在回风巷侧缩减至13 m,回风巷侧氧化带范围小于进风巷,窒息带区域最大.随着高度的增加,氧化带区域整体向进风巷入口方向移动,覆盖区域先增大后减小.
In order to investigate the distribution of the"three zones"of spontaneous combustion of residual coal and the distribution of harmful gases in the goaf of Hanjiawan Coal Mine in Shaanxi,numerical simulation studies were conducted using"Fluent+UDF".The study focused on the numerical simulation of the distribution of the"three zones"of spontaneous combustion of residual coal and the flow field characteristics.The goaf is considered as a porous medium,and parameters such as porosity of porous media,viscous resistance and inertial resistance in porous media,oxygen consumption of residual coal oxidation,and harmful gas outburst from residual coal were calculated through user-defined equations.The results indicate that the residual coal in the working face and goaf can be divided into scattered zones,oxidation zones,and suffocation zones.When the oxygen concentration is 0.07≤C≤0.18 as the oxidation zone indicator,the width of the oxidation zone increases from 23 m to 40 m from the inlet side to the return side,and finally decreases to 13 m on the return side.The oxidation zone on the side of the return airway is smaller than that of the inlet airway,and the suffocation zone is the largest.As the height increases,the overall oxidation zone area moves towards the inlet direction of the air inlet roadway,and the coverage area first increases and then decreases.
陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司 韩家湾煤矿,陕西 榆林 719300陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司 韩家湾煤矿,陕西 榆林 719300陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司 韩家湾煤矿,陕西 榆林 719300陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司 韩家湾煤矿,陕西 榆林 719300陕西陕煤陕北矿业有限公司 韩家湾煤矿,陕西 榆林 719300辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院,辽宁 阜新 123000
"three zones"of goafspontaneous combustion of residual coalharmful gasnumerical simulationhazardous area
《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (6)