Experimental study on pressure characteristics of the oscillating cavity airlift pump bottom suction port
为了研究新振荡腔式气力提升泵的压力特性,采用液相水作为输运介质进行试验,基于振荡腔剪切流动原理与机械能守恒,建立了振荡腔式气力提升泵的底部吸口压力预测模型及压力-效率模型,利用皮托管压差计,通过试验获取了不同进气量下振荡腔式气力提升泵的压力特征参数,利用MATLAB频谱分析,得到了振荡腔式气力提升泵底部吸口位置的压力脉动频谱.结果表明:所建模型能很好描述振荡腔式气力提升泵的底部吸口压力及输运效率;增加进气量,振荡腔式气力提升泵的底部吸口压力及输运效率均呈现先增大后逐渐下降的趋势,且最大压力与效率对应的进气量分别为79.9,26.9 m3/h;改变进气量,振荡腔式气力提升泵底部吸口位置的压力脉动幅值、峰值对应的频率主要分布于50,100,150,200,250 Hz位置上.研究成果可为气力提升泵的设计提供理论依据.
In order to study the pressure characteristics of the new oscillating cavity airlift pump,the liquid water was used as a transport medium for the test.The bottom suction pressure prediction model and pressure-efficiency model of the oscillating cavity airlift pump were established based on the principle of oscillating cavity shear flow and the conservation of mechanical energy.The pressure characteristic parameters of the airlift pump under different air intake volumes were obtained by means of the Pitot tube differential pressure meter.Then,the pressure pulsation spectrum at bottom suction positions of the airlift pump was obtained by means of MATLAB spectrum analysis.The results show that the established models can well describe the bottom suction pressure and transport efficiency of the oscillating cavity airlift pump,respectively.With the increase of air intake volume,the bottom suction pressure and transport efficiency of the oscillating cavity airlift pump increase and then decrease gradually.The intake air volume corresponding to the maximum pressure and efficiency is 79.9 and 26.9 m3/h,respectively.The frequencies corresponding to the peak pressure fluctuation amplitude at the bottom suction position of the oscillating cavity airlift pump with different intake volumes are basically similar,and are mainly distributed at 50,100,150,200,and 250 Hz positions.The research results can provide a theoretical basis for the design of airlift pump.
湖南科技大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411201||湖南人文科技学院 能源与机电工程学院,湖南 娄底 417000湖南科技大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411201湖南人文科技学院 能源与机电工程学院,湖南 娄底 417000湖南人文科技学院 能源与机电工程学院,湖南 娄底 417000湖南科技大学 资源环境与安全工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411201||湖南人文科技学院 能源与机电工程学院,湖南 娄底 417000湖南人文科技学院 能源与机电工程学院,湖南 娄底 417000
airlift pumppressure pulsationfrequency spectrumoscillation cavityvorticity
《流体机械》 2024 (12)