

Response of spring wheat yield to different year patterns of climate and its relationship with variety drought sensitivity


[目的]本研究旨在分析旱地春小麦产量增加的品种特性及其与气候条件的关系,为区域小麦品种选育和作物布局提供参考依据.[方法]在半干旱雨养农业区布设春小麦长期定位试验(雨养处理),开展不同播期以及播前和生育期间不同灌水处理试验,采用K-means聚类分析方法划分春小麦气候年型,并利用参数化后的春小麦生长发育模型设置不同气候情景,模拟研究半干旱区雨养春小麦产量对气候年型的响应及其与品种干旱敏感性之间的关系.[结果]春小麦生长发育的气候条件可以分为5个不同的年型,其主要由播前土壤含水量和生育期大气干湿程度(潜在蒸散与降水量之差)决定;所构建的春小麦模型对发育期、地上部生物量、收获指数以及产量的模拟值与实测值相比,一致性指数均大于0.8,相对均方根误差均小于30%.通过模型模拟发现,在播期与播前土壤含水量固定的情形下,当生育期降水量小于140 mm时,对干旱敏感的春小麦品种产量高于对干旱呈中性的品种,而在生育期降水量大于200 mm时,对干旱不敏感的春小麦品种产量最高.[结论]本研究所构建的春小麦模型能够较为准确地模拟春小麦发育期、地上部生物量、收获指数及产量形成.对干旱敏感的春小麦品种在极端干旱气候年型下更容易获得较高的产量,而对干旱不敏感的春小麦品种则在水分条件相对适宜的气候年型下容易高产.

[Objectives]This study aimed to study the variety characteristics of spring wheat yield increase in dryland areas and its climate conditions,providing a reference for regional wheat breeding and crop layout.[Methods]A long-term spring wheat positioning experiment(rainfed treatment)in semi-arid rainfed agricultural areas,and experiments with different sowing dates and different irrigation treatments before and during the growth period were carried out for spring wheat growth data collection.The K-means clustering analysis method was used to classify the climate types of spring wheat,and a parameterized wheat growth and development model was used to set up different climate scenarios to simulate and analyze the response characteristics of spring wheat yield to different climate patterns and its relationship with variety drought sensitivity.[Results]The climate conditions for spring wheat growth and development could be divided into five distinct patterns,mainly determined by pre-sowing soil moisture and atmospheric moisture during the growth period(difference between potential evaporation and precipitation).The established wheat model showed good consistency between simulated and measured values for growth period,final biomass,harvest index,and yield,with consistency index greater than 0.8 and relative root mean square error less than 30%.Model simulations revealed that in cases where sowing date and pre-sowing soil moisture were fixed,drought-sensitive spring wheat varieties had higher yields than drought-neutral varieties when precipitation during the growth period was less than 140 mm,while drought-resistant spring wheat varieties had the highest yields when precipitation during the growth period exceeded 200 mm.[Conclusions]The established spring wheat model in this study can relatively accurately simulate the growth period,aboveground biomass,harvest index,and yield formation of spring wheat.Drought-sensitive spring wheat varieties are more likely to achieve higher yields under extreme drought climate types,while drought-resistant spring wheat varieties are more likely to have high yields under climate types with relatively suitable moisture conditions.


中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室/中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾重点开放实验室,甘肃兰州 730020甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院,甘肃兰州 730070聊城市农业技术推广服务中心,山东聊城 252000中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室/中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾重点开放实验室,甘肃兰州 730020定西市气象局,甘肃定西 743000定西市农产品质量安全监测检测站,甘肃定西 743000



crop modelspring wheatisohydric and anisohydric behaviorextreme droughtclimatic patterns

《南京农业大学学报》 2025 (1)



