

Variation characteristics and correlation analysis of saponins in bitter gourd at different developmental stages


[目的]本文旨在探究苦瓜皂苷坐果期间不同发育阶段的变化特征、差异性以及相关性,为苦瓜的功能性育种、最佳采收期确定及品质调控提供科学依据.[方法]以自主选育的苦瓜'明绿5号'为研究对象,通过香草醛法、高效液相色谱-质谱法、离子发射光谱仪等测定苦瓜皂苷的组成、含量及其理化因子,并对结果进行化学计量学分析.[结果]不同发育阶段苦瓜总皂苷含量差异极显著(P<0.01),总体呈下降趋势,含量为3.14~10.64 mg·g-1,而单果总皂苷含量呈上升趋势,含量为9.03~77.14 mg.特征图谱标定共有峰55个,包含苦瓜皂苷的大部分信息,不同发育阶段共有峰峰面积相对标准偏差(RSD)的变幅为14.68%~193.01%,其中变幅在50%以上的共有峰比例达85.45%.聚类分析与主成分分析结果一致,均将幼果期3个批次聚成一类,膨大期聚为一类,3个成熟期聚为一类.通过偏最小二乘判别分析,苦瓜青熟期至完熟期差异较小,但与幼果期、膨大期差异显著,经质谱验证,最终确定了 10个特征差异代谢物.相关性分析表明,在坐果期间,差异代谢物总体与总皂苷、果形指数、氮元素、磷元素和铜元素呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与果实纵径、果实横径、单果重、果肉厚和含水率呈极显著负相关(P<0.01).[结论]不同发育阶段苦瓜皂苷组成较稳定,总皂苷及其组分含量有显著性差异.转色期可作为以皂苷收获为目标的最佳采收期.苦瓜皂苷L、苦瓜皂苷K等10个单体皂苷组分是不同发育阶段的主要活性单体,其变化与总皂苷、果形指数以及氮、磷、铜元素密切相关.

[Objectives]The paper aimed to study the variation characteristics,differences and correlation of saponins in different development stages during fruit setting,in order to provide a scientific basis for functional breeding,optimal harvesting period determination and quality control of bitter gourd(Momordica charantia L.).[Methods]The independently selected bitter gourd'Minglü 5'was selected as experiment object.The composition,content and physicochemical factors of bitter gourd saponins were detected by vanillin method,high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,ion emission spectrometer,and other methods,and the results were analyzed by chemometrics.[Results]The total saponin contents of bitter gourd varied significantly at different developmental stages(P<0.01),showed an overall downward trend with a range of 3.14-10.64 mg·g-1,while the total saponin contents of single fruit showed an upward trend with a range of 9.03-77.14 mg.A total of 55 common peaks were calibrated in the characteristic chromatogram,which contained most of the information about bitter gourd saponins.The relative standard deviation(RSD)range of the common peak area at different developmental stages was 14.68%-193.01%,with a range of over 50%of the common peaks accounting for 85.45%.The result of cluster analysis showed 5 distinct groups which were consistent with principal component analysis.The three batches of young fruit stage were clustered into one group alone,the expansion stage was clustered into one group,and the three maturity stages were clustered into one group.Partial least squares discriminant analysis(PLS-DA)showed little diversity in green maturity stage to full maturity stage,but it was a significant difference compared to the young fruit stage and the swelling stage.And 10 characteristic differential metabolites were identified by mass spectrometry.Correlation analysis showed that the differential metabolites should highly significant positive correlation with total saponins,fruit shape index,nitrogen,phosphorus and copper during fruit setting(P<0.01),and highly significant negative correlation with fruit length,fruit horizontal diameter,single fruit weight,flesh thickness and moisture content(P<0.01).[Conclusions]The saponin composition of bitter gourd was relatively stable at different developmental stages,and there were significant differences in the total saponins and their compositions.The color-changing period could be used as the optimal harvesting period for the saponins.The 10 monomer saponin components such as momordicoside L and momordicoside K were the main active monomers at different developmental stages,whose changes were closely related to the total saponins,fruit shape index,nitrogen,phosphorus,and copper elements.


三明市农业科学研究院,福建三明 365500三明市农业科学研究院,福建三明 365500三明市农业学校,福建三明 365500三明市农业科学研究院,福建三明 365500三明市农业科学研究院,福建三明 365500福建省农业科学院亚热带农业研究所,福建漳州 363005三明市农业科学研究院,福建三明 365500



bitter gourd(Momordica charantia L.)saponinharvesting periodhigh performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometrycorrelation

《南京农业大学学报》 2025 (1)



